Base Knowledge
Knowledge about fuels and fire behavior, taught at the UC Fire Propagation.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching of prescribed fire combines a theoretical component (expository), predominant in the first two modules, associated with a strong practical component (demonstrative and active), predominant in the last two modules. The active participation of students in practical activities is encouraged, such as training in radio communications, preparing fireflies, recording atmospheric data with a weather station and collecting different data for the production of planning instruments. In class, case studies are analyzed and hypothetical situations are presented for analysis and application of knowledge. In the field, students participate in real prescribed fire operations in a pedagogical context.
Learning Results
At the end of the training, the student should: know the legal framework for the use of fire; list different objectives of prescribed fire; understand the principles of fire prescription; to know the instruments of planning in prescribed fire; respect communication, behavior and safety protocols in prescribed fire operations; identify and execute different fire ignition and conduction techniques; know and evaluate the effects of prescribed fire; perform in an informed, professional, safe and efficient manner different functions and activities in prescribed fire operations; prepare an Operational Burning Plan (POQ).
Framework for the use of fire: a) introduction; b) history of the use of fire; c) objectives for the use of fire; d) legal framework for the use of fire; e) entities directly or indirectly involved in DFCI matters.
Operational implementation of prescribed fire: a) strategic planning and planning of burning operations; b) Execution – preparation, ignition techniques and fire conduction, moment of ignition, safety protocol; c) Burning team – tasks, responsibilities and size; control and aftermath; ignition equipment and tools; d) Evaluation and monitoring: immediate and medium term.
Preparation of the Burning Operational Plan (POQ): a) ability to implement the concepts taught; b) simulation of operational burning plans, prepare previously prepared PFC POQs, using the models provided by ICNF, I. P.;
Planning, execution and evaluation of prescribed fire in shrub and tree formations: a) evaluation and analysis of the burning operations carried out, prepare the PQP of the burned plots using the models provided by ICNF, I.P.
Decision support tools: a) Estimation of fuel load and moisture using appropriate software and prescribed fire Guides.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Botelho, H., Fernandes, P., & Loureiro, C. (2008). Guia de campo para fogo controlado em matos. Grupo de Fogos, Departamento Florestal Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). Vila Real, Portugal
Correia, S.. (s/ data). Noções básicas de defesa da floresta contra incêndios. DGF, Lisboa.
Cruz, M.G.. 2004. Guia fotográfico para a identificação de combustíveis florestais – Região Centro de Portugal, Modelos de combustível, ADAI, Coimbra.
Despacho n.º 7511/2014. Regulamento do fogo técnico. Diário da República, 2.ª série — N.º 110 — 9 de junho de 2014 pp. 15109-15118
ENB. (2006). Manual de combate a incêndios florestais para equipas de primeira intervenção (L. Lourenço, G. Serra, L. Mota, J. J. Paúl, S. Correia, J. Parola, & J. Reis Eds. 3 ed.). Sintra, Portugal: Escola Nacional de Bombeiros.
Fernandes, P. M., & Loureiro, C. (2010). Handbook to plan and use prescribed burning in Europe. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). Vila Real, Portugal
Fernandes, P. M., Loureiro, C., & Botelho, H. (2012). PiroPinus: a spreadsheet application to guide prescribed burning operations in maritime pine forest. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 81, 58-61. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2011.11.005
Fernandes, P., Botelho, H., & Loureiro, C. (2002). Manual de formação para a técnica do fogo controlado. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Vila Real, Portugal
Fernandes, P.; Botelho, H.; Loureiro, C.. 2002. Manual de Formação Para a técnica do Fogo Controlado, UTAD, Vila Real 139 pp .
Fernandes, P.M. 2010. Handbook to plan and use prescribed burning in Europe. Product P13.1-3 of the Integrated project “Fire Paradox”, FP6-018505. European Commission.
Giestas, R. (2017). Fogo Controlado. (Master), Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Pinto, A., Fernandes, P., & Loureiro, C. (2014). Guia de fogo controlado em eucaliptal. Universidade de Trás-os- Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD); Gestão Integrada de Fogos Florestais, S.A. (GIFF SA). Vila Real, Portugal
Silva, J. S. (Ed.). 2007. Proteger a Floresta – Incêndios, pragas e doenças (Vol. 8). Lisbon: Público/Fundação LusoAmericana para o Desenvolvimento/Liga para a Protecção da Natureza.
Silva, J. S., & Páscoa, F. (2002). Manual de silvicultura para a prevenção de incêndios. Lisboa, Portugal: Direcção-Geral das Florestas.
USDA. (2012). Introduction to prescribed fire in Southern ecosystems. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service – Research & Development, Southern Research Station. Asheville, USA