Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In the case of postgraduate training with the purpose of deepening specific themes and being mostly attended by professionals, the teaching methodologies used are of two types: 1) Presentation of themes by the teacher and 2) Presentation of further studies by part of the trainees. The themes of the work will be chosen by teachers from among the most frequent problems with implications for the child’s cognitive and motor aspects.
Learning Results
1 – Understand the issues of intellectual disability in the current context
2 – Understand the etiology and characteristics of the main problems of cognition
3 – Know the etiology and characteristics of the main problems affecting the motor development
4 – Knowing the particularities of the development of children with these problems
1 – Problems of cognition
1.1 – The issue of intellectual disability (historical evolution of the concept, methods of diagnosis)
1.2- The definition of AAIDD
1.3-The functions of the process and evaluation (diagnosis, classification and planning of support
1.4-The different classifications ( DSM 5; ICD10; CIF)
1.5-Etiology of intellectual disabilities (congenital and environmental influences)
1.6- Prevention
2 – Motricity Problems
2.1 Nervous System (brief study of their formation and functioning)
2.2 – Etiology of motor disabilities
2.3 – Classification and characterization of different syndromes
2.4-Prevention (counseling, early diagnosis and health care)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - digital portfolio - 50.0%
- - oral presentation in class - 50.0%
- - oral presentation in class - 50.0%
- - digital portfolio - 50.0%
American Psychiatric Association (2013). DSM 5 : Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5ª ed)
Espanha, M. ; PascolL, A. G. ; Correia, P. P.(2002). Aparelhos e sistemas de manutenção do meio interno (3ª ed.) – Lisboa :Faculdade de Motricidade Humana.
Martha E. Snell and Ruth Luckasson, W. S.-D. (2009). Characteristics and Needs of People With
Intellectual Disability. Intelectual and developmental Disabilities , 47 (3), 220-233.
Purves, D., Agustine, G., Fitzpatrick, D., Katz, L., LaMantia, A., McNamara, J., & Williams, S. (2005). Neurociências. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora SA.
Schalock, R. L., Borthwick-Duffy, S. A., Bradley, V. J., Buntinx, W., & Coulter, D. L. (2010).
Intellectual Disability: Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports (11ª ed.). AAIDD.