Teaching Methodologies
The theoretical-practical matrix of this class allows the teaching approach to be made either theoretically, but also using practical methodology. Theoretical exposition of the different themes will be carried out in an expository way using audiovisual means appropriate to the themes addressed.
The practical component will consist of the analysis and resolution of clinical cases related to the areas of MIR and their interconnection, the problems presented will always have underlying clinical situations whose diagnosis and treatment the MIR is preponderant.
The Problem Based Learning methodology will be used in a pedagogical environment of continuous training, transversally applying the knowledge integrated throughout training and previous training. In this evaluation component, the student must participate in all tasks of the method.
The evaluation will be a summative result of the reports produced in the resolution of the referred clinical cases.
Learning Results
Differentiated and specialized knowledge about:
• The different diagnostic and therapeutic modalities used in the areas of Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy (MIR);
• Different human systems and their interconnection, imaging signs of normality and possible alterations.
Advanced skills that allow:
• With regard to clinical situations, an effective adequacy, hierarchy and complementarity of the imaging and therapeutic modalities of the MIR areas;
• Choose and adapt pre-established action protocols according to the patient and clinical situation of the MIR areas;
• Demonstrate special care and concern regarding the general safety of the patient, but also the special care regarding the patient and work team arising from the use of ionizing radiation.
• Allow to adapt and transform, propose new/different strategic approaches in order to solve problems associated with technological development and diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the MIR areas;
• Technical procedures and specific protocols and details according to the clinical in medical imaging and radiotherapy
• Development of critical reasoning on methodology and procedures adapted to the situation in carrying out diagnostic and treatment tests
• Technical standards for acquisition, analysis, post-processing and dissemination of procedures in medical imaging and radiotherapy
Curricular Unit Teachers
Anatomia Humana da Locomoção – Esperança Pina J.A.;Lisboa; Lidel, 3ª Edição, 1999
Anatomia e Fisiologia – Seeley R, Stephens T, Tate P; Mosby, 3ª Edição, 1997.
Radiologia Ortopédica – Adam Greenspan, Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Kogan, 2ªEdição, 1996
Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology) – B. J. Manaster, David A. May, and David G.
Disler; 3ª Edição 2007
Tratado de Radiologia e Diagnóstico / David Sutton. – Revinter, 2003
Medical imaging, carver,e. & carver,b., elsevier, 2008.
Diagnóstico radiológico das doenças do tórax. Nestor l. Müller, richard s. Fraser, neil c. Colman, p. D. Paré,
Guanabara, 2003
Casos clínicos reais anonimizados/ Anonymised real clinical problems.