Processes Principles in Bioengineering

Base Knowledge

Chemistry and Mathematics.

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical classes are intended to expose the syllabus of the course accomplished with illustrative examples of applications. The theoretical practices classes are used for solving problems and exercises. In these classes, after a general discussion of the specific problems, students are encouraged to continue with the corresponding resolutions complemented with a general discussion of the obtained results. The proposed problems to be solved are distributed to the students in advance. 

Learning Results

Students should be able to:

i) implement problem-solving strategies related to chemical/biotechnological processes using the principles of mass and energy conversion;

ii) perform mass balances on chemical and biological processes, both with and without reaction, and understand the concepts of inventory variation, bypass, recycling, and purge;

iii) use the psychrometric chart, applying the concepts of dry and wet bulb temperatures, dew point, absolute, relative, and molar humidity;

iv) perform energy balances on chemical and biological processes.



Ideal gas law. Standard pressure and temperature conditions. Average molar mass, volumetric mass and density of gases.


The concept of mass balance. Selection of a calculation basis in mass balance problems. Balances in processes without chemical/biological reactions.

Chemical reactions, biological reactions, stoichiometry and stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation. Limiting reagent. Stoichiometric excess of a reactant.

Mass balances in systems with chemical/biological reactions.

Mass balances in processes with bypass, product and/or inert recycling and purging.


Relationship between saturation and humidification state. Ways to express the composition of a vapor in a gas mixture: molar humidity, percentage of moisture and percentage of relative humidity. Use of saturated vapor tables to solve humidification exercises.

Use of the psychometric chart in solving humidification exercises.


General energy balance equation. Calculation methodology for energy balances.

Amount of heat involved in heating/cooling with and without phase change.

Energy balances in processes with chemical/biological reactions.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography

Moreira, M. J. (2024). Apontamentos de Introdução aos Processos em Bioengenharia. ISEC (disponível na plataforma académica InforEstudante).

Pandey, A. & Teixeira, J. A. C. (Eds.). (2017). Current developments in biotechnology and bioengineering : foundations of biotechnology and bioengineering. Amsterdam. Elsevier. COTA: 6-15-43 (ISEC)

Felder, R. M., Rousseau, R. W. & Bullard, L. G. (2017). Felder’s Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes. (4ª ed). Global Edition. COTA: 6-8-59 (ISEC)

Supplementary Bibliography

Doran, P. (2012). Bioprocess Engineering Principles. Elsevier.

Bailey, J.E., Ollis, D.F. (1986). Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill. COTA: 6-13-18 (ISEC)

Ghosh, R. (2006). Principles of Bioseparations Engineering. World Scientific Publishing.

Himmelblau, D.M.; Riggs, J.B. (2012) Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, (8ª ed.)

Seider, W.D., Seader, J.D., Lewin, D.R. (2008). Product and process design principles. SBN: 0-471-45247-5 0471203165.

Sirohi, R., Pandey, A, & Taherzadeh, M. J. (Eds). (2022). Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengeneering: Advances in Bioprocess Engineering. Elsevier.