Produção de Energia Elétrica

Base Knowledge

Knowledge about the operation of electric power systems.

Teaching Methodologies

The theoretical classes are essentially expository, covering the topics laid out in the program, with a strong interaction between the concepts and their practical application.

The theoretical-practical classes will be designed to carry out group work, in order to deepen the concepts covered in the theoretical classes. In the last week of classes, each group will make an oral presentation/discussion of the work.

Learning Results

Study the electrical generation systems, with particular focus on renewable production.

Provide students with the most important concepts about the operation of different types of power plants.

Provide students with the knowledge of the rules to carry out studies of economic analysis of projects for electricity generation units.


1 – General concepts

2 – Hydroelectric plants

3 – Thermoelectric plants

4 – Distributed Generation of Electricity

4.1 – Photovoltaic plants

4.2 – Mini-hydro

4.3 – Wind farms

4.4 – Industrial cogeneration

4.5- Biomass

5 – Impact on the exploitation of electricity networks arising from the entry into service of a high distributed production

6 – Methodologies for planning and analyzing distribution networks and isolated networks with renewable distributed production

7 – Advanced network control systems with high penetration of renewable production

8 – Topics of economic analysis of electric energy production projects; Capital recovery factors, present value function, investments and income

9 – Legislative aspects and technical conditions of interconnection

10- Economic Dispatch 

Curricular Unit Teachers





Rui, Castro (2012). Uma Introdução às Energias Renovaveis: Eolica, fotovoltaica e mini-hidrica, IST Press.

Callejo, L. H. (2019). Microrredes eléctricas: integración de generación renovable distribuida, almacenamiento distribuido e inteligencia. Ibergarceta Publicaciones.

Paiva, J. S. (2007). Redes de Energia Eléctrica, Uma Análise Sistémica, ed., vol. 1, I. Press, Ed.