Product and Service Design

Base Knowledge

Quality Engineering, Marketing

Teaching Methodologies

Expository classes for presenting the theoretical contents. Practical classes for analyzing the evolution of projects.

Learning Results

Provide the students with the ability: (i) to set a product portfolio and design a strategy for product planning; (ii) to generate product and service concepts, select them and test them; and (iii) to search for robust solutions.


1. Product portfolio development processes – organization dependency aspects
2. Processes of development of product portfolio and organizations
3. Planning of product development – timing and strategies
4. Identification of customer needs – market research tools
5. Product specifications
6. Generation of concepts
7. Selection of concepts
8. Test of concepts
9. Robust design via Taguchi Methods – Introduction to experiments design
10. Estimation of production costs

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação por projectos
  • - Apresentação final - 20.0%
  • - Apresentações sumativas e discussões - 20.0%
  • - Relatório - 60.0%




Mitra, A. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 3rd. Ed., Willey (2012)

Kotler, P., Keller, K. L. Administração de Marketing, 12.ª Ed., Pearson (2006)

Malhotra, N. Pesquisa de Marketing: Uma Orientação Aplicada, 6.ª Ed., Bookman (2012)

Pires, A.R. Inovação e Desenvolvimento de Novos Produtos, Edições Sílabo (1999)

Rosenau Jr., M.D. The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development, John Willey & Sons (1996)

Raghavarao, D., Wiley, J.B., Chitturi, P. Choice-based Conjoint Analysis – Models and Designs, CRC Press (2011)

Ulrich, K.T., Eppinger, S.D. Product Design and Development, 4th. Ed. McGraw-Hill (2008)

Otto, K., Wood, K. Product Design – Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development, Prentice Hall (2001)