Professional Ethics

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

This Curricular Unit takes as its premise the involvement and active participation of students, individually and collaboratively. Thus, in addition to lectures, it will be also contemplated reading and analyzing texts of reference, selected by the teacher. Students, under the guidance of the teacher, should search, select and analyze information in order to allow the acquisition of knowledge, the debate and reflection on the topics related to the professional deontology and ethics. Regarding the evaluation students may choose between the frecuency assessment or evaluation by exam. Frecuency assessment consists on the elaboration of an individual or group paper, followed by its presentation and defense in class (its thematic, contained in the syllabus, will be accorded with the teacher), as well as in the production of a reflective portfolio. The portfolio counts 2 times and the paper 1 time for the final mark.

Learning Results

The work developed in this course will allow the student to:
1. To reflect on his personal path as a student from basic education to university level.
2. To assess his professional path in this course of teacher training.
3. To recognize the importance of the objectives in terms of personal and social development within the Education System in respect to teachers and their influence on the personal and social development of students.
4. To make explicit and conscious their projects as a Person, Citizen and Professional.
5. To recognize the concepts: citizenship, democracy, duties, rights and human rights as an ethical platform in which contemporary educative activity is based.
6. To master interpersonal relationship skills in different contexts.


1. Introduction and basis: Ethics, Ethical, Moral, Profession, the specificity of Ethics of the Teaching Profession and its implications; School as space and time in building a core ethical and social project.
2. Key documents for rights and duties of Teachers / Educators and/ or from which they can be themed.
3. Being a Teacher and the Essence of Education /of Educating.
4. For a critical and reflective praxis. The Teaching Profession and Citizenship – Rights and Duties of the Teacher / Educator-Citizen. Professional Morals/ Ethics and/ or Moral/ Ethical Profession.

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - portfolio - 33.4%
  • - individual or group work - 66.6%




Baptista, I(2005) Dar rosto ao futuro. A educação como compromisso ético. Pt:Profed
Caetano, A P; Silva, M L (2009) Ética profissional e formação de professores. Sísifo. Revista de Ciências da Educação, 8, 49-60
Cunha, P d’O (1996) Ética e Educação Lx:UC Ed
Monteiro, A R (2015). The Teaching Profession – Present and Future. Springer
Monteiro, A R (2015). Profissão Docente – Profissionalidade e Auto-regulação. Cortez Ed
Monteiro, A R (2008) Qualidade, Profissionalidade e Deontologia na Educação. Pt:Pt Ed
Monteiro, A R (2005) Deontologia das Profissões da Educação. Cbra:Alm.
Monteiro, A R (2004) Educação e Deontologia. Lx:Escolar Ed
Ramos, F J S (2018). Intersubjetividad y eticidad en biografías educativas de profesores. 2 vols Riga: EAE
Sadio, F (2011) Professional Deontology in Teacher Training. Report on a Training Experience. Publicaciones, 41 (2011) Nov, 9-31
Veiga, M A (2005) Um perfil ético para educadores Braga:Palimage