Professional Training

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies to be implemented in this unit with specific characteristics, are those that occur from the formats and specificities of each Internship or Intervention Project in progress.
The Internship/Intervention Project to be carried out by each student will be an eminently practical work, so the evaluation will be based on the documented and in loco observation of the work developed, cumulatively contemplating several items, such as: the practical work observed by the Internship/Project supervisor of Intervention, the evaluation of the host entity, the appreciation of the report presented by the student and the investigation produced, concluding this process with the defense of the report presented to the jury.
Students will be supported by supervisors in the scientific deepening necessary to carry out the requested tasks, as well as in the strategies to be implemented.
Continuous evaluation
Note: see the attached Regulation as a complement to the information provided.

Learning Results

The goals inherent in the Professional Training are those arising from those that the study plan allows. Thus, and in a concrete way, it is intended that each student acquire the following skills:
• Be able to justify their options based on scientific reasoning
• Be able to mobilize and use resources (human, material, spatial, temporal) for music projects
• Be able to autonomously respond to the needs of updating and training
• Be able to autonomously carry out research leading to the resolution of practical problems over your professional future
• Be able to use the results of an evaluation process for the construction of new knowledge
Note: see regulation in addition to the information provided in this item


The content planned for Professional Training are those contained in the programmes of the units set out in the curriculum, in particular those that relate to the inherent performance in the activities during the internship.
Note: see regulation in addition to the information provided in this item

Curricular Unit Teachers




Moser, P.; McKay, G. (Ed). (2005). Community Music: a handbook. UK: Russel House Publishing. ISBN 978-1-90385-570-6
Veblen, K.; Messenger, S.; Silverman, M.; Elliot, D. (Ed.) (2013). Community Music Today. UK: Rowman & Littlefield Education. ISBN 978-1-60709-319-0
A restante bibliografia será distribuída de acordo com as temáticas a desenvolver ao longo do cumprimento das actividades da unidade curricular.