
Base Knowledge

Attendance at the Scientific Research Methodologies (MIC) course is considered a basic requirement for this course.

It is therefore recommended that the student has got the knowledge basis from the CU of SRM (Scientific Research Methodologies).

Teaching Methodologies

This Curricular Unit, CU, is a non-teaching course, and therefore, the concept of “Teaching Method” will not be

However, the IPC Regulation for the 2nd Cycle, in general, and the Regulation for the 2nd Cycle Courses
(Masters) of ISCAC, the section dedicated to Projects defines some considerations regarding the scientific supervision 
of the works.

There is also the implementation of a Motivation Methodology based on the realization of a cycle of open
classes and seminars, in each edition of the Masters. These take place on a free attendance regime and take
place during the academic quarters.

Learning Results

The main objective of this non-teaching course is to enhance scientific research work, helping students to develop new research skills. Additionally, it is intended that this U.C and all the dynamics implemented, allow to maintain the link of students to the School, supervisors, and colleagues.

As specific objectives, it intends to provide an in-depth study of the methods and practices of research in Management Information Systems, MIS.

Providing updated information and reinforcing the acquisition of new technical and scientific skills are the key points of this non-teaching course. In terms of skills, students develop:

– research capacity;

– technical skills;

– systematic analysis and critical thinking;

– scientific writing (articles, reports, among others);

– the capacity for scientific presentation.


This is a non-teaching Course Unit thus, the concept of “Program” will not be applicable, in the strict sense of the contents defined for teaching at the CU.

Nevertheless, the Regulation of 2nd Cycle Courses (Masters) of ISCAC, in the Project section and respective articles, defines the Objectives and duration; the Modalities; Drafting Rules; the Supervision and Guidance of the works.

The non-teaching Project Unit has a work plan that is included in the Project proposal submitted by the Master’s students, after scientific assessment by their supervisor and co-advisor, if any; as well as technical-scientific appraisal by the supervisor in the Organization. The proposal is subject to approval by the Technical-Scientific Council, under consideration by the Scientific Committee of the Master.

In addition to the project plan of each Master’s student, with aggregating purpose, the proposal for an open class program, which seeks to motivate students and create development opportunities for scientific and technical-scientific works. The program has a distribution that privileges the realization of 3 open classes per quarter, in a total of 12 per year, with an average duration of 1h30.

The contents discussed in the open classes are evaluated annually by the Scientific Committee of the Master, which promotes the themes, in accordance with the motivational objectives of the non-teaching Unit, the topicality of the topics, and the potential of interest to the scientific areas of the study cycle and to the work of this Unit.

Curricular Unit Teachers





Diário da República, 2nd series, Part E, No. 149 of 6 August 2019, Academic Regulation of the 2nd Cycle of Studies
of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra; Accessed on 12/3/2019,

The bibliography of the Dissertation is defined in accordance with the scientific area and with the specificity
of the proposed contribution.

The general bibliography of Scientific Research Methodologies is also indicated as a reference, namely:

  • Bryman, A., e Bell, E. (2007). Business research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Saunders, M., P. Lewis e A. Thornhill (2003), Research Methods for Business Students, Prentice-Hall.