
Base Knowledge

Civil Engineering

Teaching Methodologies

The learning process is essentially autonomous, and the student must be able, based on the references initially proposed by the supervisor(s) and the knowledge acquired in the academic part of the master’s degree, to look for, read, understand and synthesize all the necessary information to the development of the proposed theme. This activity is duly monitored and supervised by the supervisor(s) who, through the hours of tutorial guidance provided, must ensure that the student does not deviate from the main focus of the topic, without ever, however, conditioning the creativity of the student as well as their expectations regarding the chosen topic. The guidance given must ensure motivation as well as provide timely feedback on the tasks already carried out for the correct development of the work.

Learning Results

Deepen the student’s knowledge in the specific area in which will be developed the dissertation, project or internship work, increase the competences with regard to the ability to research, systematize and organize information.
Demonstrate learning ability and written and oral communication skills, proposing hypotheses, managing complex issues in a critical and systematic way and increasing the ability to intervene and critically analyze in real situations.
Knowing how to counter arguments and opinions contrary to those defended, scientifically or technically justifying the decisions and options taken.
Develop the dissertation or project in a cohesive and appropriate manner. The document, which must have technical-scientific relevance, must be supported by a comprehensive literature review.
Be able to introduce originality into the field of investigation.


As it is a curricular unit with a special character, totally different from the rest of the course, corresponding to the development of a dissertation, a project or an internship, the syllabus is defined by the respective supervisor(s), being suitable for each case in order to develop an investigation appropriate to the requirements of the study cycle on a topic in the scientific area of Civil Engineering. The contents, which depend on an individual choice of each student, should, in general terms, be included in the theme proposal, defining the general objectives of the work, the methodology to be used, the work schedule and the basic bibliography.




Esta é uma unidade curricular com caráter especial, correspondendo ao desenvolvimento de uma dissertação, um projeto ou um estágio, pelo que a bibliografia é definida pelo(s) respectivo(s) orientador(es) e aluno, sendo adequada a cada caso, em função da proposta de tema que cada aluno deverá entregar.