Project in the Specific Domain of Formation

Base Knowledge

Those acquired in other curricular units.

Teaching Methodologies

The work proposal must include filling in the application form, as well as detailed planning for each of the sessions.

The training proposal must include:

– the elements presented in the application form, described below;

– the planning of each session with the production of the respective materials.

The formulation of the training proposal will be developed by working groups, involving joint tasks and individual tasks, as follows:

– the global proposal (framework and other elements contained in the application form) will be carried out by groups of 3 trainees;

– each trainee should plan a training session within the scope of the global project, taking as a reference 6 hours of training / trainee; the planning and construction of the respective materials will therefore be carried out individually, albeit in conjunction with the work of other colleagues.

Learning Results

-To do an special educational needs diagnosis of students using the curriculum and social development standards corresponding to chronological age as references, in conjunction with the development of educational projects in schools

-Intervene in order to improve the the school conditions and educational environment in a perspective of promoting quality and educational innovation;

-Intervene and mobilize all educational agents, namely, parents, teachers / educators, technicians and community.

-Dynamize the design and development of school educational projects that respond to the school population characteristics and mobilize existing resources in the community.

-Foster and develop work skills in multidisciplinary teams


The work to be carried out in the project component consists of the organization of a proposal for a training action in the area of specialization.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Aval. Contínua
    Continuing Evaluation
    • - Project - 100.0%




    Em função do Projeto.

    Depending on the Project.