Teaching Methodologies
Use of interactive audiovisual media in theoretical and theoretical-practice lectures.
Learning Results
Recognize the importance of nature conservation, ecosystem services and environmental quality for human well-being;
Identify and understand the impacts of subject / environment interaction and environment/ human health;
Recognize the importance of environmental policy instruments implementation;
Know the concept, framework and aims of the promotion and environmental citizenship;
Know and promote good practices of individual and collective participation, to the issues of environment and sustainable development;
Acquire skills to design and develop information, intervention and communication strategies, appropriate to the demands of society, and to promote environmental citizenship;
Recognize the actions that increase the exercise of environmental good practice.
General environmental issues:
– Concepts and functional processes of nature and environmental sciences
– Ecosystem services and human well-being
Environmental issues and human well-being:
– The state of the environment:
Air pollution
Water pollution
Soil pollution
– Renewable and non-renewable natural resources
– Climate change
– Environmental Disasters – Impact on ecosystems and humanitarian implications
Environmental policy and nature conservation:
– Summits Environment
– National, International and European Policy
– Planning and land use planning
Principles, environmental and citizenship concepts
– Civic participation, citizenship and environment
– The environment and the media
Grading Methods
- - Paper - 60.0%
- - Presentation and defense - 40.0%
Doyle, T & McEachern, D. (2007). Environment and Politics. New York; Routledge.
Hilgenkamp, K. (2005). Environmental Health: Ecological Perspectives. Jones and Bartlett Publishers: Sudbury. Kopfler, F. &
Merril, R. (2008). Environmental Epidemiology: Principles and Methods. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Moeller, D. (2005). Environmental Health. Harvard College.
Pereira, H.M., Domingos, T., Vicente, L. & Proença, V. (2009). Ecossistemas e Bem-Estar Humano.
Avaliação para Portugal do Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Lisboa: Escolar Editora Santos, F.D. e Miranda, P. (Eds.) (2006). Alterações climáticas em Portugal: cenários, impactes e medidas de adaptação. Projeto SIAM II. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Singh, M. (2004). Environment and Pollution. Nova Deli: Anmol Publications Pvt.
Stibble, A. (Ed.). (2009). The handbook of sustainability literacy. Skills for a changing world.(3rd ed.).
Devon: Green Books.