Base Knowledge
There is no recommended Basic Knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
The curricular unit will be developed according to a theoretical-practical model with structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis and discussion or debate. An interrogative and interactive methodology will be used prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts, and demonstration/exemplified by their practical application in everyday situations and resorting, whenever justified, to audiovisual means. It will also include moments of work in small groups, with tutorial support and the performance of dramatization exercises, role-playing, group dynamics and others, with guidance, and also autonomous study with research on the exposed content and reading and critical analysis of texts/articles.
Learning Results
The student must acquire:
* Communication and interpersonal relationships;
Individual and group behaviour and their influences.
* Adopt strategies of non-verbal and verbal communication and interaction with patients, other professionals and
the public;
* Understand the world around in terms of individual and relational context;
* Recognize and discuss the importance of behavior in interpersonal relationships;
* Demonstrate empathy to the needs of others.
* Communicate and interact appropriately in different professional contexts;
* Deal appropriately with the patient and his family, while respecting differences, needs and rights;
* Think critically about some psychological phenomena that impact on day to day life;
* Interpret and analyze human behavior.
1 Human communication and interpersonal relationship
1.1. Human communication
Pragmatics of communication
Verbal communication (oral and written) and nonverbal communication; face to face communication and interview
Attitudes in communication
1.2.Interpersonal relationship
Interpersonal relationship styles
Factors affecting the quality of interpersonal relationships
Self-concept, self-esteem and attributional processes
2 The conflict in interpersonal relationships
Types of conflicts
Dealing with conflict and skills to their resolution
3 Motivation
Motivation and behavior
Theories and approaches to motivation
4 The group – group phenomena and processes of leadership
4.1.Group interaction and identity
Definition, features and types of groups
Group behavior
Work group and their advantages and disadvantages
Communication, efficiency and productivity of the group
Group cohesion and conformity pressure
Characteristics and leadership styles
Roles and consequences of leadership
Curricular Unit Teachers
Abreu, MV(1998)Cinco Ensaios Sobre Motivação.Coimbra:Almedina
Berlo,DK(1991)O Processo de Comunicação.Martins Fontes
Fachada,M.O.(1992).Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais.Edições Rumo
Feldman, R. (2001). Compreender a Psicologia. McGraw Hill
Fiske,J.(1993).Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação
Marc, E. & Dominique,P.(1996).Interacção Social, Rés Editora
Porritt, L(1990)nteraction Strategies.Churchill Livingstone
Rego, A(2007)Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional:Teórica e Prática. Lisboa:Edições Sílabo,Lda
Ribeiro, L(1993)Comunicação Global. Edições 70
Rodrigues,C(1989)Afectividade (pp. 11-31)Porto:Contraponto
Rodrigues,C& Pina-Cabral,JM(1985)Motivação:Conceito.Aspectos Fundamentalmente Inatos.Porto:Contraponto
Serra,AV(1986)Motivação e Aprendizagem. Porto:Contraponto.
Watzlawick,P,Beavin,J&Jackson,D(1967)Pragmática da Comunicação Humano:um Estudo dos Padrões, Patologias
e Paradoxos da Interacção São Paulo:Editora Cultrix
Wright,B(1992).Skills for Caring;Communication Skills