
Base Knowledge

Não aplicável.

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

A unidade curricular será desenvolvida com uma exposição estruturada dos conteúdos e respetiva análise e discussão ou debate. Utilizar-se-á uma metodologia interrogativa e interativa prévia à apresentação dos principais conteúdos e conceitos, e demonstração/exemplificação dos mesmos através da sua aplicação prática em situações quotidianas e recorrendo a meios audiovisuais.

Contempla ainda o estudo autónomo, e grupo, com pesquisas sobre os conteúdos expostos e a leitura e análise critica de textos/artigos científicos.


The curricular unit will be developed  with a structured exposition of the contents and respective analysis and discussion or debate. An interrogative and interactive methodology will be used prior to the presentation of the main contents and concepts, and demonstration/exemplification of the same through their practical application in everyday situations and using audiovisual means.

It also includes the autonomous study (team work) with research on the exposed contents and the reading and critical analysis of scientific articles.

Learning Results

The student must acquire:
* Psychopathology conditions;
* Characteristics and differentiation of different conditions.
* Reflect on the factors involved in mental health;
* Understand the major psychopathology conditions;
* Reflect on the body’s relationship to mental illness.
*Identify major psychopathology conditions;
* Recognize ways to deal with them.


1. Historical perspective, explanatory models and key ratings for psychopathology
2. Disturbances that usually appear during childhood and adolescence
* Developmental disorders
* Disorders of behavior and anxiety
* Disorders of elimination
* Physical and sexual abuse
* Eating Disorders
3. Disturbances in the family system
* Systemic Perspective
* Family life cycle
* Family Dysfunctions
4. Disturbances that usually occur in adulthood
* Initial Considerations (psychopathology of perception, thought, memory and consciousness)
* Anxious disorders
* Somatoform disorders
* Mood disorders
* Schizophrenia and other psychoses

Curricular Unit Teachers




* Alarcão, M. (2000). (Des)Equilíbrios familiares. Coimbra: Quarteto.
* American Psychiatric Association (1994). DSM IV – Manual de Diagnóstico das Perturbações Mentais. Lisboa:
Climepsi Editores.
* Barraclough, J.; Gill, D. (1997). Bases da psiquiatria moderna. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.
* Joyce-Moniz, L. (1993). Psicopatologia do desenvolvimento do adolescente e do adulto. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
* Macedo, A.F.; Pocinho, F.E. (1999). Obsessões e compulsões. Coimbra: Quarteto.
* Montgomery, S. (1995). Ansiedade e Depressão. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.
* Pinto Gouveia, J. (2000). Ansiedade Social. Coimbra: Quarteto.
* Pio Abreu, J.L. (2001). Como tornar-se doente mental. Coimbra: Quarteto.