Public Procurement and Law

Base Knowledge

Given the fact that we are faced with an introductory CU in this Cycle Studies, there is no specific background knowledge required, despite the fact that some legal knowledge is useful. In any case, since students may have different academic backgrounds, whose programs/curriculum plans are unknown, some introductory notions of law and referring to the Social State are transmitted.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be eminently expository, with an oral explanation from the teacher accompanied by slides, videos and texts to be discussed in the classroom.

Considering that we are facing a CU of a Master’s degree, this implies that some participatory initiative must take place on the part of the students, which will be encouraged by the teacher, namely through questions raised in the classroom, with oral and written reflections. The resolution of practical hypotheses of the subject at stake will also be provided, based on national and european case-law.

The discussion will also be promoted in a group manner, due to the presentations of papers entrusted to the students.


Learning Results

With this CU, the students will acquire skills in a very specific area of the Public sector, whose scope is related to the acquisition of goods and services.

The students will learn concepts related to the different types of public contracts and their insertion in Public Financial Law. First of all, they will be able to recognize the concept of public contract, and then move on to studying each of the types of public tender procedures provided for in the Public Contracts Code.

Considering that we are facing an eminently public reality, which will have as a backdrop the satisfaction of the public interest and which should be stripped of any selfish or private constraints, concepts relating to corruption and nepotism will also be transmitted to students, with the purpose of recognizing unlawful circumstances, in the event that they come into professional contact with this area.

Therefore, students will be able to recognize the different types of existing public contracts and their relationship with the State budget, without losing sight of the constitutional and legal principles and objectives that pertain to them.


A. Introduction to Law

1. The Law

1.1. Brief introductory notes

1.2. Law and Order and its relationship with society

1.3. Law sources

2. The Contract

2.1. The formation of the contract

2.2 The celebration of the contract

2.3. The performance of the contract

B. 1. Introduction to the concept of public procurement

1.1. Sources of public procurement law

1.1.1. The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

1.1.2. The Public Contracts Code and related legislation

1.1.3. European Union Law – Original Law and Secondary Law

1.1.4. The jurisprudence of national and European Courts

2. Contract formation phase

2.1. The decision to hire

2.2. Contracting entities and contracting bodies

2.3. The jury of the procedure

2.4. The conclusion of the contract

3. Types of procedures and selection criteria

3.1. Procedures for the formation of contracts

3.2. Choice of procedure and contract value

3.3. Choice of procedure based on material criteria

4. Procedural procedure

4.1. Negotiated contract

4.2. The prior consultation

4.3. The public tender

4.4. Restricted procedure by prior qualification

4.5. Competitive procedure with negotiation

4.6. Competitive dialogue

4.7. Innovation Partnership

5. Brief excursus on corruption.

Curricular Unit Teachers




– Amaral, Diogo Freitas do, Curso de Direito Administrativo, Vols. 1 e 2, Coimbra: Almedina, 2018;

– Andrade, José Carlos Vieira de, A Justiça Administrativa, Coimbra: Almedina, 2018;

– Gonçalves, Pedro Costa – Direito dos Contratos Públicos, Coimbra: Almedina, 2021;

 – Mealha, Esperança, Jurisprudência Recente do TJUE sobre contratação pública, in Revista Julgar, n.º 35, Maio/Agosto de 2018, Coimbra: Almedina;

 – Henriques, Miguel Gorjão, Direito da União – História, Direito, Cidadania, Mercado Interno e Concorrência, Coimbra: Almedina, 2019, 9.ª edição, Reimpressão 2022;

–  Marques, Maria Manuel Leitão, et. ali, Manual de Introdução ao Direito – saber Direito para entender o Mercado, Coimbra: Almedina, 2018, 2.ª Edição;

 – Sánchez, Pedro Férnandez, Direito da Contratação Pública Vols. I e II, Lisboa: AAFDL, 2020;

– Tavares, Gonçalo Guerra, Comentário ao Código dos Contratos Públicos, Coimbra: Almedina, 2021;
-Será oportunamente indicada bibliografia complementar.