Public Relations Planning

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be developed by:

i) expositive theoretical sessions

ii) theoretical/practical sessions to monitor the groups’ work

iii) workshops with active participation from students


Evaluation by frequency: One group work to be presented in the end of the semester, that will weigh 50% of the final grade; two individual components:  a test (that will weigh 25% in the final grad) and participation in workshops and activities that are proposed (that will weight 25% in the final grad).


Evaluation by exam: A written test in the date set by ESEC,that will weigh 50% in the final grade; an individual work (public relations plan), that will weigh 50% in the final grade.

Minimum grade in all components: 7,5.

Learning Results

– Conceive communication actions in consonance with the organization’s goals and publics
– Plan and organize events, manage its implementation, controlling costs and protocol
– Conceive and manage contents for external communication
– Use concepts, paradigms and models of the Public Relations Theory



Part I: Public relations plan – possibilities, frontiers and applications

1. Public relations planning:

a. Range of actions in public relations

2. Event planning

> workshop on event planning

3. CRS communication

a. Environmental communication

b. Communication with the community

> workshop on CSR communication

4. Cultural communication

> workshop case studies analysis

Part II: The making of the public relations plan: specificities of digital communication

a. Contents for digital communication

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Frequency - 25.0%
  • - Workshop's Participation - 25.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Exam - 50.0%




Allen, J. (2000). Event planning: the ultimate guide to successful meetings, corporate events, fundraising galas, conferences, conventions, incentives and other special events. John Wiley & Sons.

Amaral, I. (2018). Imagem e Sucesso: guia de protocolo para empresas.  Verbo

Libaert, T. (2017). Le Plan de Communication. Définir et organiser votre stratégie de Communication. Dunod 

Gregory A. (2015). Planing and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: a strategic approach. London. Kindle E

Kunsch, M. (2003). Planejamento de Relações Públicas na Comunicação Integrada”. Summus Editorial.

Lendrevie et al (2018). Mercator XXI – Teoria e Prática do Marketing. Publicações Dom Quixote.

Xifra, J. & Lalueza, F. (2009). Casos de Relaciones Públicas e Comunicación Corporativa. Pearson Educacion

Smith. R. R. (2021). Stratégic Planing for Public Relations. Routeledge

Xifra, J. (2014). Manual de relaciones públicas e institucionales. Editorial Tecnos