Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The syllabus will be developed through the use of:
i) expository theoretical sessions,
ii) theoretical-practical sessions of analysis and discussion of cases; Throughout the classes, specific bibliography will be provided, as well as original texts to support the study of the various points of the program. Continuous evaluation:
1. two written tests on dates to be fixed in the first class, in the middle and at the end of the semester (40% + 40%). (NB: if the assessment has to be carried out at a distance, this assessment element will also include an individual oral test);;
2. Individual or group work carried out exclusively in the classroom (20%) By Exam:
Written exam (100%)
Learning Results
Know and understand the main theories of Public Relations and its evolution.
Know and understand concepts, functions, techniques and main instruments of Public Relations activity.
Identify and understand the structural components of each sector involved in an organization’s communication strategy.
At the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to: understand the field of intervention of Public Relations and its articulation with the other professions of organizational Communication, understand the essence of Public Relations as an instrument to obtain social acceptance and the legitimacy of the company, understand the communication situations that are worked by Public Relations , its specificity, its responsibility, as well as its scope, assimilate the vocation of Public Relations in working with the public.
1.a. Historical perspective of Public Relations
1.b. Public Relations today: key concepts and key challenges
2. Main Public Relations Communication Models
2.a. The systemic models: Kunsch’s integrated communication and Grunig’s excellent communication
2.b. Rhetorical Approach to Public Relations
2.c. Critical Public Relations Theories
3. Mapping Stakeholders and Situational Theory of Publics
4. The different types of communication in relations
Public Relations (press office, internal communication,
crisis communication) and the impacts of digital on the strategy and
public relations practices
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Frequency - 80.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Belasen, A. (2008), Corporate communication. SAGE. pp. 217-233
Gonçalves,G. (2010). Introdução à Teoria das Relações Públicas. Porto Ed
Henriet, B. & Boneu, F. (1990). Audit de la communication interne. Les Editions d’Organization
Kunsch M. (2017). Comunicação organizacional: aportes teóricos e metodológicos. III SICO – vertentes conceituais e metodológicas, Belo Horizonte: UFMG, pp. 41-53
Kunsch, M. (2018). “A comunicação estratégica nas organizações contemporâneas”. In Media e Jornalismo nº 33, vol 18, nº2. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 13 a 24
Grunig, J. et al., (1995). Models of Public Relations in an International Setting. Journal of Public Relations Research 7(3), pp. 163-186.
Rawlins, B. (2006). Prioriting Stakeholders for Public Relations. Institute for Public Relations.
Xifra,J. (2014). Manual de RRPP e institucionales.Ed. Tecnos