Base Knowledge
Knowledge acquired in 12th grade.
Teaching Methodologies
This curricular unit will have a frequency regime that consists of 2 theoretical-practical lessons of 1.5 hours each week.
The expository methodology will be used to present the concepts of the Curricular Unit, supported by the practical component through the realization of exercises to apply the concepts transmitted. The practical component will seek to approach, as much as possible, the problems of administration, economics, and management that students will encounter in their professional life. In addition to the classes, students must develop additional work, which will be indicated throughout the course and which will also be evaluated.
Learning Results
Aims and Learning Outcomes
To consolidate the knowledge in some subjects taught in secondary education;
To study essential topics in the Course’s areas of interest, emphasizing applications to administration, economics, and management.
To provide the knowledge of the wide variety of problems that can be formulated and solved with
use of mathematical concepts and results, as well as techniques based on them;
To articulate the subjects and show with practical examples that there are countless applications with solutions found through the mathematical modeling of real problems. This ensures a better understanding of the subjects and their usefulness.
To stimulate mental and analytical reasoning and calculation in order to create abilities for autonomous resolution
problems and stimulate the search and formulation of others.
Ability to timely apply the subjects to content-related problems with the syllabus of other curricular units and to some practical problems.
Dexterity in numerical manipulation, namely, in solving systems, calculating derivatives, and determination of optimal solutions.
Part 1. Matrix calculation
Systems of Linear Equations and Examples of Linear Models – Gauss and Gauss Elimination Method – Jordan.
Matrix algebra and its use.
Examples and applications (Portfolio Theory, IS-LM analysis, Leontief input-output matrix)
Part 2. Real functions
1. Functions of one real variable
1.1. Generalities.
1.2. Limits and continuity.
1.3. Derivative and derivation rules. Calculation of approximate values with differentials. Calculation of extremes.
1.4. Fundamentals of primitives and integration.
1.5.Examples and applications (production functions; cost, revenue, profit functions, respective marginal functions, Annuities, Present Value problems, and Optimal waiting time).
2. Functions of two real variables
2.1. Generalities.
2.2. 1st and 2nd order partial derivatives. Calculation of extremes.
2.3. Examples and applications (production functions; cost, revenue, profit functions, respective marginal functions, Cobb-Douglas utility functions, consumer utility maximization problem, and the firm profit maximization problem).
Curricular Unit Teachers
Reference books in the English version
Goldstein, L.J., Lay, D.C., Schneider, D.I., Matemática Aplicada: Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, 8a Edição, Bookman, 2000.
Tan, S.T., Matemática Aplicada à Administração e Economia, Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2001.
Advanced references
Simon, C.P., Lawrence, B. Matemática para economistas, Bookman, 2004.
Harshbarger R.J., Reynolds, J.J., Matemática Aplicada Administração, Economia e Ciências Sociais e Biológicas, 7a Edição,McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Pires, C., Cálculo para Economia e Gestão, Escolar Editora, 2011