Regional and Local History

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching program will involve lectures and theoretical-practical classes in this sense, the presentation of the syllabus in the classroom by the teacher, the content presentation by the teacher followed by group work, organizing study visits followed the reporting by the student, the organization of a project based on the Local History and Heritag. The evaluation was organized according to the academic regulation of the 1st cycle of studies of the IPC. In this sense, the continuous evaluation will be based on the organization of works to be undertaken by the student inside or outside the classroom (20%), organizing a final work based on the history and heritage of a given location (40% ) and a written test (40%).A evaluation by examination is based on the achievement of a single written test to be carried out at the end of the semester.

Learning Results

1. Understand the History Local and Regional as well as cultural and educational resource of a community
1.1. Understand specificities of local studies
1.2.Understand the local resources as a means of boosting projects in a locality
1.3. Understand the History Localand Regional as well as track of enhancement of self-esteem at local level
1.4.Known sources, methods and techniques are inseparable from local studies
1.5. Identify and characterize the local cultural resources
2. Understan rules inseparable from the organization of scientific work
2.1. Develop habits related to the organization of a scientific work
2.2.Stimulate the use of sources
2.3 Participate in group work, complying with established rules and promoting the intervention of all members of the group


1.Subject and characteristics of the Local and Regional History

2.  Evolution of studies in the context of  Local and Regional  History

3.  Local History as a resource for a community

3.1.Functions of Local and Regional History at the level of a locality

3.2. Sources, methods and techniques in the context of historical research

3.3. Written sources and unwritten sources

3.4.The oral history

3.5.The biographical method

3.6. The technique of “Living History”

4. Characterization of the history of a locality on the basis of available sources

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 40.0%
  • - Laboratory work or Field work - 20.0%
  • - Mini Tests - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




CAMPOS, M. R. C.  (1993).  Novas Metodologias de Investigação histórica e de Ensino da História: a Biografia, in IVe Coloque de L’AIPPELF/AFIRSE. Lisboa: AIPPELF/AFIRSE,  pp.443-453.

CORREIA, L. M. M. V. (2011). Castelos em Portugal. Retrato do seu perfil arquitectónico [1509-1949]. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

FERNANDES, A.(2008). Sabores da Aldeia. Carta Gastronómica das Aldeias do Xisto..ADXTUR-Agência de Desenvolvimento Turístico das Aldeias do Xisto.

MATTOSO, J. (2019). A Escrita da História. Temas e Debates

MORADIELLOS, H. (2014). El oficio del historiador. Siglo XXI de España Editores.

NETO, M.S. (2013). Problemática do saber histórico. Palimage.

PAIS, P. S. (2012). Viagem Medieval em Terras de Santa Maria – A História e as Estórias. Rainho &Neves Lda.

SANTOS, J. M. (2010). Memória e História Local. Palimage.