Regional Economy and Territorial Innovation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

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Learning Results

The subject of Regional Economy and Territorial Innovation aims to contribute to the interdisciplinary training of students, providing them with knowledge and the ability to critically reflect on so that they can:

a) recognize the concepts, methods and techniques of analysis that introduce them to new ways of reasoning and approaching economic reality;

b) evaluate the spatial dimension in the analysis of economic phenomena;

c) recognize and evaluate the value and territorial transformation;

d) identify, create and promote innovation policies and strategies;

e) promote economic growth and environmental sustainability.


1. Regional development models

. Space and economic theory

. The dynamics of regions: convergence versus divergence

. The economic base theory. The new economic geography

2. Disparities in regional and local growth

. The territorial inequalities of development

. The least developed regions

. Inequalities in terms of innovative capacity

. The problem of local development

3. Innovation and territory

. The concept of innovation

. Public policies to promote innovation

. Territorially based innovation processes

. Regional mobilization and empowerment through networks

. Innovative proposals for valuing resources

4. Regional Policies

. The origin of regional policies

. Objectives, instruments and evaluation of regional policies

. Regional policy and innovation

. Portugal and Cohesion Policy

5. Regional case studies

. Smart specialization strategy: Central Region of Portugal.


Curricular Unit Teachers




Camagni, R. (1998). Principi di Economia Urbana e Territoriale (3ª ed.). Carocci Editore.

Castro, E.; Rodrigues, C.; Esteves, C. &Pires, R. (2000). The triple helix model as a motor for the creative use of telematics. Research Policy.

Costa, J. (2010), Compêndio de Economia Regional. APDR.

Ferrão, J. (1997), Políticas de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Regional e Local. Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. Imprensa de Ciência sociais.

Fujita, M., Krugman, P. & Venables, A. (1999). The Spatial Economy. Cities, regions and international trade. The MIT Press.

Laborde P.(1999). Les espaces urbains dans le monde. Nathan Université.

Lopes, A. (1984). Desenvolvimento Regional: problemática, teoria, modelos. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.