Base Knowledge
Building Physics
Chemestry Fundamentals
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methods: The expository method is used and the critical spirit is encouraged. Group and individual exercises are solved. Students are invited to participate actively in class.
Learning Results
Acquisition of essential notions on all conservation activities and understanding the tasks inherent to the various stakeholders; acquisition of specific knowledge about the main degradations, their manifestations, their identification and probable causes; acquisition of skills in scheduling inspection tasks; carrying out inspection and diagnostic tasks and filling in anomalies; construction of maintenance programs and supervision of these tasks.
Theoretical Component:
1. Fundamental Concepts.
1.1. Comprehensive building concept.
1.2. Concept of building life-cycle.
1.3. Concept of Renovation, Rehabilitation and Maintenance.
2. Brief notions about the current state of conservation theory and its elementary principles.
3. Basic concepts on technical criteria for rehabilitation.
4. Deterioration of major structural materials.
5. Deterioration of the main coating materials.
6. Basic concepts of building installations.
7. Structural and constructive anomalies in buildings.
8. General principles and main diagnostic techniques.
9. Troubleshooting.
10. Maintenance of the building and its facilities.
11. Preventive maintenance, conditional maintenance and corrective maintenance.
12. Maintenance systems – stakeholders, organization, accountability and decision making.
13. Systematization, rietriving and processing of information.
Grading Methods
- - Teste Intermédio - 20.0%
- - Teste final - 60.0%
- - Trabalho escrito de pesquisa e Trabalho de Campo - 20.0%
1-José Vasconcelos Paiva, José Aguiar e Ana Pinho, coord., Guia Técnico de Reabilitação Habitacional, Vol.I E Vol.II, INH/LNEC, 2006
2-João Appleton, Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos, Ed Orion, Lisboa, 2003
3-Guide Veritas du Bâtiment, Réhabilitation et Maintenance, Éditions Moniteur, Paris, 1992
4-Vítor Cóias e Silva, Guia Prático Para a Conservação de Imóveis, Dom Quixote, Lisboa, 2004
5-Obras de Conservação e Restauro Arquitectónico, Christian Campanella, Adpt.e Coord. João Mascarenhas Mateus, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2007
6-F. Arriaga, F. Peraza, M. Esteban, Bobadilla y F. García, Intervención en Estructuras de Madera, AITIM, Madrid, 2002
7-Vítor Cóias, Inspecções e Ensaios na Reabilitação de Edifícios, IST Press, Lisboa, 2006
8-Manuel Carbonell de Masy, Protección y Reparación de Estructuras de Hormigón, Ediciones Omega, Barcelona, 1996
9-Pilar Navajas Ramirez y Antonio López Romero, Protección y Durabilidad de las Estructuras de Acero, Publicaciones APT