Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
In this course, two methodological structures will be basically used: exposition with demonstration and / or illustration, analysis and problematization of texts and visual and verbal discourses.The periodic assessment will be made through 1. oral presentation of a paper dealing with a problem chosen by each one, based on proposals presented by the teacher (90%), 2. a report on this presentation (5%) and 3. participation in class (5%)
Learning Results
1. Recognize of the central role of images in the process of cultural construction
2. Understand the role of images in the system of social production and reproduction.
3. Develope critical thinking about the contemporary, from the knowledge acquired about the visual culture
1. Constructionism and the idea of representation.
2. The crisis of representation: endogeny, immanence and self-referentiality of the visual.
3. The Representation of the Other: visual stereotypes.
4. Cases of visual representations: The figuration of the black (masculinity and sexuality) / The representation of others suffering / The representation of the parisian spirit through the photographic image in France in the postwar era/ The representation of current geopolitical tensions in television series (House of Cards, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Homeland, Occupied) / The representation of masculinity.
5. Mental images and representations: how visual media interact with our brain.
6. Culture and visual representations and their relations with the universe of verbal codes.
7. The Representation of Screen Violence and Media Education
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 90.0%
- - Synthesis work - 5.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
BARCELOS, Janaina.2012.A Dor e o Sofrimento no Fotojornalismo.Media & Jornalismo,20,p.139-153.CALADO, Isabel.2010.Representação Visual.In Dicionário Crítico de Arte, Imagem, Linguagem e Cultura [].CALADO, I.2015. Fronteiras da Imagem com a Palavra – contributo para uma abordagem da representação e cultura visuais.Grácio Editor, p.447-719.CALADO, I.2017.A Reconquista do invisível pelas imagens.Comunicação Pública, vol. 12 nº22.CALADO, I.2008.A Violência, a Televisão e dois ou três Absurdos Prévios.O Professor, 78,p.10-17. HALL, Stuart.1997.Representation – cultural representations and signifying pratices.London: Sage Publications.MIRZOEFF, Nicholas.1999.An introduction to visual culture.London: Routledge. MOISI, Dominique.2017.La géopolitique des series.Paris:Flammarion.NOGUEIRA,Patrícia.2013.Utopia da Representação: o lugar do Outro na Fotografia e no Cinema Documental.In Imagens do real Imaginado,10 anos.ESMAE,p.160-167.SONTAG,Susan.2003.Olhando o sofrimento dos outros