Research Methodologies

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The course will consist of theoretical-practical classes, where themes will be presented and contents illustrated through the debate of concrete situations and cases. 

Learning Results

  • Contextualize the research process in Social Sciences;
  • Present the stages of the research process;
  • Highlight the importance of the research problem and of the theme selection, as well as the construction of the analysis model;
  • Make students aware of the research activity, underlining the relevance of a good literature review, choosing the most appropriate methods and techniques for data collection and treatment;
  • Review the case study methodology in Management.

 Skills and Competences:

  • Ability to identify a research topic and problem
  • Ability to build an analysis model
  • Ability to build a Dissertation, Project or Internship plan


1-     Introduction to research in Management

2- Problem definition

3- Literature review and definition of hypotheses

4- Research design and analysis model

5- Management research methods and techniques

6- Data collection and methods: interviews and questionnaires

7- Data analysis and interpretation

8- Writing the final text

Curricular Unit Teachers




Barañano, A. M. (2004). Métodos e Técnicas de Investigação em Gestão, Sílabo, Lisboa.

Bardin, Laurence (2004). Análise de Conteúdo, Edições 70, Lisboa.

Coutinho, C. P. (2020). Metodologia de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas Teoria e Prática (2ª Edição). Actual Editora.

Ferreira, M. Portugal & Serra, F. Ribeiro (2009). Casos de estudo: usar, escrever e estudar. Lídel.

Hill, Manuela M. & Hill, A. (2000). Investigação por Questionário, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.

Sekaran, U. & Bougie, R. (2013). Research Methods for Business, John Wiley & Sons.

Sousa, Maria J. & Baptista, Cristina S. (2011). Como fazer investigação em Bolonha: dissertações, projectos e relatórios de estágio, Lídel., Lisboa.

Yin, R. K. (2015). Estudo de Caso, planejamento e métodos. 5ª.ed. São Paulo: Bookman.