Research Methodologies

Learning Results

This curricular unit aims to prepare students to do research in the main areas of the study cycle, in special,
for developing and supporting their research work, whether it is in the form of a dissertation or report
training, which is a requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree.
The students will acquire the skills that they need to carry out scientific research with an applied nature,
whether it is more or less practical, depending on the kind of final work that the student chooses. For this,
the students need to have a good knowledge of the theoretical aspects related with the scientific
knowledge construction, in special to do an adequate literature review and also to choose the method or
methods that are most suited to answer the defined objectives, and also to know some software to
support the application of these methodologies and the standards about to prepare scientific works.


1. Building knowledge and scientific research skills.
2. Exploratory techniques: bibliographical and document research; how to research; research resources.
3. Research process: defining the problem, developing questions and hypotheses, choosing the research
strategy; reviewing literature and application the adequate research method.
4. Research methods in legal sciences; interdisciplinarity with business sciences.
5. Writing the research work: standards; quotations; references; critical analysis of information; academic
work format.
6. Carrying out a research project; preparing a proposal.
7. Dissertation structure.
8. Information technologies to support the research process.
9. Research ethics.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Aragão, A. (2009). “Breves reflexões em torno da investigação jurídica”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito
da Universidade de Coimbra, Vol. LXXXV, 765-794.
Bell, J. (1997). Como Realizar Um Projecto de Investigação. Lisboa: Gradiva.
DELNOY, P. (2006). Éléments de méthodologie juridique, 2.ª ed., Bruxelles, Larcier.
Hart, C. (2005). Doing Your Masters Dissertation. London: Sage.
HESPANHA, A. M. (2009). Como preparar uma dissertação: um guia em cinco pontos. Disponível em:
HOECKE, M. van (ed.) (2011). Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of
discipline?, Oxford and Portland, Oregon.
MEIRIM, J. M. (2008). Como pesquisar e referir em Direito, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora.
QUIVY, R., CAMPENHOUDT, L. van (1998). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais, trad. João
Marques, M. Amália Mendes e M. Carvalho, 2.ª ed., Lisboa, Gradiva.