Research Methods in Management

Base Knowledge

The student will develop the skills for the research work and the capacity to structure the methodology. In addition, it will promote the proximity between Master students and Advisor.

  • In this sense, the programmatic content is structured with progressive conceptual complexity so that students can increase their learning, skills and autonomy, consistent with the objectives of the course.
  • Thus, section 1 aims to introduce research in Social Sciences, define concepts and present the types of research as well as the scientific method and its process. Section 2 focuses on the formulation of the research problem, scope and relevance. Section 3 details the main rules in the systematic review of the literature in order to formulate the research questions and/or working hypotheses. Section 4 focuses on the construction of the problem analysis model, conceptualization and operationalization. Section 5 will deal with the different research methods and techniques in Social Sciences, with emphasis on case studies and action research. Section 6 focuses on data collection, definition of the universe and sample, construction of the questionnaire and interview guide, rules and validation. Finally, sections 7 and 8 are dedicated to data analysis and interpretation and writing the final written text.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes will be developed in line with the guidelines of ISCAC-Coimbra Business School. Nevertheless, considering the current context, the curricular unit will be taught at a distance due to the COVID-19 issue, being that, all sessions are developed online and prioritized interactive methodologies and group management that stimulate the debate, the intervention as well as the consolidation of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, a participative spirit and problem solving will be valued.

In this sense, the course will work in a system of theoretical and practical lessons, which will seek to present the issues and illustrate the content through the discussion of situations and case studies. 

Learning Results

1.1.   This course aims to provide students the best practices in the organization and structuring of a research project, as well as the elements of a Dissertation. To this end, it is intended that students acquire the concepts and techniques of research, knowing their strengths and limitations. Throughout the sessions, students will acquire technical and theoretical skills, in order to gradually acquire conceptual autonomy. In this sense, it is important that students gather a set of knowledge aimed at efficiently and effectively managing information, conceptual models, as well as the whole process of building a research project, with autonomy, strategic vision, pro-activity, organization and self-guidance.

Thus, the main objectives for students are: i) to know a varied set of research methodologies endowing them with an analytical and critical vision of their potential and limitations, ii) to master the appropriate terminology, iii) to be able to construct and validate some instruments of data collection v) to be able to formulate a research proposal in a coherent way, identifying and delimiting a problem, extracting working questions, designing a coherent research strategy and selecting appropriate data collection methods.

1.2.   Therefore, the main objectives are:

  • To contextualize the research process in Social Sciences;
  • Present the stages of the research process;
  • Highlight the importance of the research problem and selection of the theme, as well as the construction of the analysis model;
  • Sensitize students to the research activity, stressing the relevance of a good literature review, the choice of methods and techniques most appropriate for data collection and processing
  • Highlight the methodology of case studies in Management.


1.3. Students will acquire the following competencies:

  • Identification of a research topic and problem
  • Develop an analytics model
  • Develop a plan for a Dissertation, Project or Internship


This course is organized in eight important areas:

  1. Introduction to Management Research
  2. Problem definition
  3. Literature review and hypothesis definition
  4. Research design and analysis model
  5. Methods and techniques of management research
  6. Data collection and methods: interviews and questionnaires
  7. Data analysis and interpretation
  8. Final Report

Curricular Unit Teachers




Barañano, A. M. (2004). Métodos e Técnicas de Investigação em Gestão, Sílabo, Lisboa.

Bardin, Laurence (2004). Análise de Conteúdo, Edições 70, Lisboa.

Campenhoudt, L.; Marquet, J.; Quivy, R. (2017). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Editora Gradiva. Quinta Edição.

Ferreira, M. Portugal & Serra, F. Ribeiro (2009). Casos de estudo: usar, escrever e estudar. Lídel.

Gil (2008). Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa Social. Editora Atlas, Sexta Edição.

Hill, Manuela M. & Hill, A. (2000). Investigação por Questionário, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.

Marconi, M.; Lakatos, E. (2004). Metodologia Científica. Editora Atlas (4.ª ed.). São Paulo.

Oliveira, T. (2005). Teses e Dissertações (recomendações para a elaboração e estruturação de trabalhos científicos); 2ª Edição, pp. 86-96; Editora RH, Lda.

Quivy, R.; Campenhoudt, L. (2003). Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Editora Gradiva. Terceira Edição – Outubro de 2003.

Sekaran, U. & Bougie, R. (2013). Research Methods for Business, John Wiley & Sons.

Sousa, Maria J. & Baptista, Cristina S. (2011). Como fazer investigação em Bolonha: dissertações, projectos e relatórios de estágio, Lídel., Lisboa.

Yin, R. K. (2000). Estudo de Caso, planejamento e métodos. 2.ed. Sao Paulo: Bookman.