Base Knowledge
Recommended basic knowledge is not identified, and the UC proposes to train any student to start the practice of riding.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical exposition classes.
Explanation and demonstration by the teacher of riding practices and techniques.
Riding practice by the teacher, correcting the exercises performed by the student whenever necessary.
Practice of horse-riding guided by students.
Learning Results
- Know the procedures related to cleaning the horse;
- Know the different types of harnesses and materials inherent to riding;
- Mastering the procedures related to rigging;
- Know the principles regarding saddle placement;
- Ability to maintain balance on horseback in swing and saddle exercises;
- Ability to lead the horse in arena in exercises in the 3 natural gaits.
- The daily hygiene of horses and its importance.
- Equipment with different types of harness.
- The different types of protection applied to horses.
- The presentation of horses in different situations, their harnesses and forms of preparation
- The vaulting and the respective exercises
- Balance on horseback, sitting and on stirrups
- The horse/rider connection
- The balance in the walk, trot and canter
- Trot raised on desired diagonal
- Basic ring exercises: circles, diagonals, stop, take the middle line.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Callery, E. 2003. Manual de equitação. Editorial Estampa.
Hill, C. 2012. 101 Ground Training Exercises for Every Horse & Handler. Storey Publishing
Jones, J. 2020. Horse Brain, Human Brain: The Neuroscience of Horsemanship. Trafalgar Square Books
Lux, C. 1992. Bien Équiper son Cheval. Maloine.
Mickem, W. 2012. Complete Horse Riding Manual. Dorling Kindersley
Netto-Almeida, E.1997. Equitação, como e porquê? INAPA.
Ribeiro, L. A. 1995. Ensino do cavalo.
Rodrigo, J., Pombeiro, Mestre A., Netto-Almeida, E. V., Sequeira, J. B. 2005. Manual Oficial de formação Equestre. Instituto Desporto de Portugal.
The British Horse Society e The Pony Club. 1992. Manual Prático de Equitação. Editorial Presença