Schedule II

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology includes oral presentation of the main concepts involved, followed by examples and worksheets to be solved by the students.
Evaluation contains two components: an exam or two written tests, worksheets and and a final project in which the students must develop a more complex program. For periodic evaluation, the worksheets are quoted for 5, the project for 5 and the written tests for 10 points. For final evaluation, the project is quoted for 5 and the exam for 15 points.

Learning Results

The student must learn how to manipulate data in the random access memory and in files. The student must also learn how to plan and manipulate dynamic data structures and develop programs with some complexity in C.


Vector sorting and searching algorithms.
Structures and type definition.
Dynamic memory allocation.
Linked lists.
Tree-type structures.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Periódica
  • - Trabalho prático - 25.0%
  • - Provas escritas - 50.0%
  • - Fichas e participação nas aulas - 25.0%
Avaliação por Exame
  • - Prova escrita - 75.0%
  • - Trabalho - 25.0%




“Linguagem C”, Luís Damas, FCA

“C Programming: A modern Approach”. K. N. King, W. W. Norton & Company