Scientific Production and Biostatistics

Base Knowledge

Descriptive statistics.

Teaching Methodologies

Classes consist of a theoretical exposition of the subject but always accompanied by practical examples so that thereis a better and easier understanding of it. The resolution of practical exercises is done using the SPSS computersupport, thus making it possible to apply the material taught to real cases.

Learning Results

It is intended that the student has a current and comprehensive view of the main methods and techniques to be taken into account in the development of research work in the field of health sciences. The student must also acquire skills to understand the conditions underlying the applicability of the theoretical models used for statistical analysis, as well as analyze and interpret the results obtained. Students should also be able to use the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) computer application to solve problems involving the concepts developed in the course unit.


Introduction to scientific research:
Common Sense vs Scientific knowledge;
Problem, Research question;
Research hypotheses.
Stages of an investigation.
Variables and Types of scientific research.
Psychometric Characteristics: Fidelity and validity.
Sampling methods and determination of Sample size.
Statistical strategy.

Hypothesis Testing: type I and type II error, significance levels, power and p-value in statistical tests.
Statistical inference on the parameters of normal and non-normal populations (larger population).
Nonparametric Statistics: study of a population and compare two or more populations.
Tests for independence and homogeneity: contingency tables.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Fortin, Marie-Fabienne. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de Investigação. Loures: Lusodidacta.
Pocinho M.(2012). Metodologia de Investigação e Comunicação do Conhecimento Científico. Lidel
Ribeiro, J. L. (2010). Metodologias de Investigação em Psicologia e Saúde (3ª ed.). Porto: Legis.
Francisco Mercês de Mello, Rita Cabral Guimarães (2015). Métodos Estatísticos para o Ensino e a Investigação nasCiências da Saúde, Edições Sílabo.
Gilda Cunha, Mª do Rosário Martins, Ricardo Sousa, Filipa Ferraz de Oliveira.(2007). Estatística aplicada às ciências etecnologias da saúde, Lidel.
Joaquim Pinto Coelho, Inês Legatheaux Martins, Luísa Margarida Cunha (2008), Inferência Estatística – Com utilizaçãodo SPSS e G*power, Edições Sílabo.
João Maroco (2003). Análise estatística com utilização do SPSS, Edições Sílabo.
Pedro Marques Vidal (2005). Estatística prática para as ciências da saúde, Lidel.