Seminar of Theatre and Education

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

This curricular unit will be guided by the component of didactic training as its axis, which comprises skills and knowledge related to teaching in the area of dramatic expression/theatre. The contents will be developed with a focus on theoretical knowledge, analysis, reflection and practice in order to establish their interconnections in technical-didactic knowledge in the area of Dramatic Expression/Theater, in the field of formal and non-formal education.
The curricular unit can be carried out in the form of continuous evaluation or exam.

Continuous evaluation:
1. Elaboration of two (2) activity plans for different contexts (25%+25%)
2. Elaboration of a small project of dramatic activities (50%)

Exam – 100%

Learning Results

1. Identify different currents of thought regarding the concepts of art in education.
2. Base the practice of dramatic activities in formal educational context.
3. Know and characterize models of theater integration in different educational contexts.
4. Develop and plan dramatic activities for different ages and several educational settings


1. Conceptions of art education.
2. Skills developed through art activities.
3. Arts in Education: Drama and Theatre.
4. Models and practices of dramatic activities in different educational contexts

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Dramatic Activities Project - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%




Agirre, I. (2005). Teorías y Prácticas en Educación Artística. Barcelona: OCTAEDRO/EUB-Universidad Pública de Navarra.

Boal, A. (2003). O teatro como arte marcial. Rio de Janeiro : Garamond.

Caldas, A. P. e Vasques, Eugénia (2014). Educação Artística para um Currículo de Excelência. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Dobbs, S M. (1998). Learning in and thought art. Los Angeles: Getty Education Institute for the Arts.

Gardner, H. (1990). Art Education and Human Development. Los Angeles: Getty Center for Education in Arts.

Huidobro Valdés, M. V. G. (2008). Pedagogía Teatral: metodología ativa en el aula. Santiago: Universidad Católica de Chile.

Hunt, K.; van Water,M. & McAvoy, M. (2015). Drama and Education. New York and London: Routledge.

Lopes, M. de S. J. P.(2011). O Saber Dramático: A construção e a Reflexão. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

López Valero, A. (2009). Claves para una enseñanza artístico-creativa: La Dramatización. Barcelona: Octaedro