Base Knowledge
not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
In this curricular unit classical lectures are complemented with practical demonstrations, hands-on experimentation, and sensory analysis in the sensory analysis laboratory.
Learning Results
To explain the physical-chemical and psychophysiological basis of sensory analysis.
Plan and execute sensory analysis tests, analyze sensory test data, report sensory tests
Module 1 – Physical-chemical and psychophysiological basis of sensory analysis
1.1. – The Visual system. Food color – chemical compounds. Color measurement.
1.2. Taste system. Chemical compounds responsible for taste.
1.3. Olfaction system. Chemical compound responsible for odor and flavor. Introduction to gas
chromatography- olfactometry and electronic nose for the evaluation of volatiles.
1.4. Food Texture. Main texture attributes in food.
Module 2
2.1 Controls for test room, product, and panel
2.2 Difference, Descriptive and Acceptance methods
2.3 Statistical evaluation of sensory tests
2.4 Reporting sensory results
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste escrito - 100.0%
- - módulo I - Teste escrito - 50.0%
- - módulo II - Teste escrito (50%), Trabalhos propostos aos alunos (30%) - 50.0%
Botelho G. Characterisation of the aroma components of clonal grapes and wines from Aragonez and Trincadeira Vitis vinifera L. cultivars. Tese de Doutoramento. 169 p. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 2008.
Coultate T.P. Alimentos. Quimica de sus componentes. Zaragoza: Acribia, 1986. Fisher C. e Scott T.R. Food Flavours – Biology and Chemistry. Cambridge, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1997.
Hendry G.A.F e Houghton J.D. Natural food colorants. Glasgow, UK: Chapman & Hall, 1996
Hutchings J.B. – Food Colour and Appearence. London, UK: Blackie Academic, 1994.
Lidon F e Silvestre M.M. Indústrias Alimentares – Aditivos e Tecnologia. Lisboa, Portugal: Escolar Editora, 2007.
Macfie e Thomson. Measurements of food preferences. London, UK: Blackie Academic, 1994.
Noronha J. Análise Sensorial – Metodologia /Apontamentos de Análise Sensorial. Coimbra: ESAC, 2003.
Richard H. e Moulton J.L. Les Arômes Alimentaires. Paris, França: TEC-DOC Lavoisier, 1992