Services Marketing

Learning Results

Emphasize the importance of marketing services and its specificities quite different from the traditional marketing.
Give students state-of-the-art concepts of Service Marketing and more advanced techniques and analysis methodology.
Give students a set of theoretical and practical tools enabling them to improve personal and professional skills and to motivate analysis capacity and constructive criticism.


1. Nature and specificity of services: the “continuum of tangibility”
2. Marketing Interaction and Production System for a Service
3. The Servuction system and its implications: segmentation and quality
4. The marketing mix in service companies
5. Internal Marketing
6. Evaluation of quality and customer satisfaction
7. Strategies for Development and Expansion
8. Measurement of quality in Services
9.Concept and measurement of services quality – SERVQUAL model
10. Implementation and evaluation of marketing strategies in services




BARON, Steve, HARRIS, Kim (2008), Services marketing: text and cases, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 3ª Edition
DANYI, Saiki (2008), Services Marketing, Jaipur, Índia, Oxford Book Company
HOFFMAN, K. Douglas, BATESON, John E. G., WOOD E. H. and KENYON, A. K.K. (2009), Services Marketing- Concepts, Strategies & Cases, London:South-Western Cengage Learning EMEA.
GRONROOS, Christian (2000), Service Management and Marketing – A Customer Relationship Management Approach, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England.
LOVELOCK, Christopher; VANDERMERWE, Sandra e LEWIS, Barbara (1999), Services Marketing – A European Perspective, Prentice-Hall Europe, Inc.
LOVELOCK, Christopher (2003), Services Marketing – People, Technology, Strategy, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
SWARTZ, Teresa and Iacobucci, Dawn (eds.) (2000), Handbook of Services Marketing and Management, Sage Publications, London.