Teaching Methodologies
In this course will be: i) exploration of problem situations in a perspective of Sexuality, Health, Gender and Human Rights; ii) analysis, interpretation and discussion of cultural artefacts fostering reflection, sharing and encouraging critical attitudes; iii) design of educational resources aimed at deconstructing sexuality and gender messages for intervention on Sexuality Ed., in specific contexts; iv) elaboration of didactic script for intervention under the Sexuality Ed. (40%), followed by presentation and debate (40%). In the frequency evaluation, we consider also individual performance – attendance, punctuality, participation and motivation (20%). In the script aspects such as structure and organization of information; appropriateness to the objectives of the work; language; quality and correction of scientific, critical attitude, diversity strategies and adaptation to the target population, are valued. Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written and/or oral test.
Learning Results
To recognize the right to sexual and reproductive health and the right to sexuality education as part of health education and respect for human rights.
. To recognize sexuality in the development of people throughout life .
. To respect different ways to express sexuality and sexual orientation.
. To assess attitudes and risks associated with certain sexual behaviors.
• To promote the reflection and debate on important issues of daily life that affect sexuality and gender.
• To deconstruct Sexuality messages and gender stereotypes conveyed by the media .
• To develop educational resources to be used in interventions in sexuality education .
•Sexuality, Health and Human Rights
•Expressions of Sexuality
•Sexuality, Society and Culture
•Sexuality, Gender and Media
•Sexuality and Education
Grading Methods
- - Presentation and debate - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Individual written assignment - 40.0%
Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). La diferencia sexual en el análisis de los videojuegos. Madrid: CIDE/ Instituto de la Mujer.
Díez Gutiérrez (coord.) (2004). Guía didáctica para el análisis de los videojuegos. madrid: CIDE/ Instituto de la Mujer.
Maza, R. E. (coord.) (2004). La comunicación publicitaria: antecedentes y tendencias en la Sociedad de la Información y el conocimiento. Sevilla. Comunicación Social.
Talburt, Susan e Steinberg, Shirley [org.] (2007). Pensar Queer: sexualidade, cultura e educação.
Mangualde: Edições Pedago.
Teixeira, F., Martins, I. P., Ribeiro, P. R. M., Chagas, I., Maia, A. C. B., Vilaça, T., Maia, A. F., Rossi, C. R. e Melo, S. M. M. (Orgs.). (2010). Sexualidade e Educação Sexual: Políticas Educativas, Investigação e Práticas. Braga: Edições CIEd – Universidade do Minho (ebook).
Teixeira, F. & Vieira, C. C. (ed)(2014). Sexualidade, Género e Educação. Número temático da Revista EXEDRA, (232p). Coimbra: Escola Superior de Educação.