Sistemas Digitais e Microcontroladores

Base Knowledge

No previous courses are advised.

Teaching Methodologies

In the theoretical classes, the expository method predominates, complemented by the resolution and analysis of examples. Laboratory classes allow the consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired throughout the semester through guided resolution and analysis of the results of the proposed exercises, as well as a set of guiding and structuring works.

Learning Results

Understand how a computational function is applied.
Understand and designs both combinational and sequential digital systems.
Learn a microcontroller operating principle and behavior
Identify a microprocessor/microcontroller the main operational blocks circuits as well as its functions


1. Numbering systems; Binary, octal and hexadecimal systems, Base conversion, Binary arithmetic; Multiplication and division; Binary coding. Floating point numbers.

2. Introduction to Digital Systems.

3. Boolean algebra; Logical functions; Truth tables, Simplification; Algebraic manipulation, Karnaugh maps.

4. Combinatorial circuits; Logic gates and logic circuits; Decoders and encoders; Multiplexer and demultiplexer; Comparators; Adders and subtractors.

5. Sequential circuits; Memory elements; Synchronous sequential circuits; Accountants.

6. Sequential circuits and state machines: analysis and synthesis;

7. Reconfigurable logic circuits; FPGAs; Configuration tools. Synchronization of logic circuits.

8. Introduction to microprocessor architecture and assembly language.

9. Input/output ports for connecting external peripherals;

10. Programming in C for microcontrollers; Use of an integrated development environment) and a development kit.

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • 1. Frank Vahid. (2011). Digital Design with RTL Design, VHDL, and Verilog. NewYork: John Wiley and Sons Publishers.
  • 2. Morris Mano e Charles Kime. (2015). Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals. Londres: Prentice-Hall.
  • 3. Morgado Dias. (2010). Sistemas Digitais, Princípios e Prática. Lisboa: FCA.
  • 4.Arduino oficial page. (2010). Arduino oficial page, reference manual. March, 2021, de Arduino Sitio web: www.arduino.ccenTutorialLinks
  • 5. John Baichtal. (2014). Arduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs. EUA: Congress Library. “www.programmingbook.comarduino-for-beginners-essential-skills-every-maker-needs-book”.
  • 6. Mario Serafim Nunes. (1986). Sistemas digitais e introdução aos microcomputadores. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.