Base Knowledge
1) Biology; 2) Animal Anatomy & Phisiology
Teaching Methodologies
1. Exposure of classical themes; 2. Execution of practical tasks at sheepbarn of ESAC; 3. Literature reasearch under faculty guidance
Learning Results
Know all the routine procedures of conducting a farm of sheep and / or goats, productive skills and their differences, the importance of the sector in the regional economy and the constraints on its development
a) domestic breeds of sheep and goats and their skills;. b) physiological mechanisms involved in food, nutrition, reproduction, lactation and growth and pathology of the species; c) standards of general husbandry, feeding, breeding and health, to each species; d) characteristics of the production of milk, meat and wool in each species and their economic importance; e) biometric systems and related structures involved; f) production systems and regional differences, constraints and objectives to be pursued
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Objectivo 2 - Produções: 1) exame escrito (80%); 2) execução de tarefas no ovil (20%). - 30.0%
- - Objectivo 1 - Maneio.(70%): 1) exame escrito (80%); 2) execução de tarefas no ovil (20%) - 70.0%
- - Objectivo 2 - Produções: 1) exame escrito (80%); 2) exame prático no ovil (20%). - 30.0%
- - Objectivo 1 - Maneio: 1) exame escrito (80%); 2) exame prático no ovil (20%) - 70.0%
BODEN, E. – Sheep and goat practice / ed. E. Boden. London: Baillière Tindall, Cop. 1991. (The in practice hanbooks
DEGOIS É. – Manual do criador de ovinos: guia para os pastores e criadores de ovinos Gráfica Europan, 1985. (Colecção Euroagro, 19)
DUDOUET C. – La production du mouton. Paris: CEP, 1997. (Produire mieux)
GOODWIN D.H. – Scheep management and production: A practical guide for farmers and students. 2nd ed. London: Hutchinson, 1989
CORCY Jean-Christophe – La chèvre. Paris: La Maison Rustique, 1991
BORREGO J.D. – A reprodução nos ovinos: Publicaçöes Ciência e Vida, 1982
ETIENNE, M. – Elevage ovin et protection de la forêt méditerranéenne contre les incendies: participation d’un troupeau de moutons à l’entretien d’un réseau de pare-feu. Versailles: I.N.R.A., Unité d’Écodéveloppement, 1989. (Études et recherches sur les systèmes agraires et le développement, 15
SÁ F.V. – A cabra: da produção de leite à protecção da natureza 2ª ed. corrigida e actualizada. Lisboa: Clássica, 1990. (Nova Colecção Técnica Agrária, 6
COOP, I.E. – Sheep and goat production / Edited by I. E. Coop. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1982. (World Animal Science, C1)
CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE ALTOS ESTUDIOS AGRONÓMICOS MEDITERRANEOS Valorizacion de productos lacteos de ovinos y caprinos en el area mediterranea. Tecnologias actuales y perspectivas de mercado: curso avanzado: advanced course Valorisation des produits laitiers des ovins et caprins en mediterranee. Technologies actuelles et perspectives de marche: cours approfondi Valorization of sheep and goat dairy products in the mediterranean. Present technologies and market perspectives. Pamplona: Universidad Pública de Navarra, 1997
FAZENDEIRO, M.I. – Conselhos prácticos de ovinos e caprinos. Samtarém: Associação de criadores de caprinos e ovinos do Ribatejo e Oeste, 1996. (Série Divulgação, 1)