SME Financial Report

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of accounting and accounting standards is recommended.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular plan of this course typifies SME Financial Reporting classes as Theoretical-Practical classes and allocates 14 hours of contact, 12 hours of which are teaching hours, and 2 hours of tutoring.

Therefore, in order to comply with what is determined in the curriculum, the teaching methodology will include classes with interactive exposition, questioning and demonstration with the resolution of some corresponding exercises.

The flipped classroom and collaborative learning will also be promoted, where students will have the opportunity to expose topics and share experiences.

In this way, it is intended that students learn the syllabus and acquire the defined skills.

Learning Results

In a civilizational paradigm centered on information, the SME Financial Reporting course aims to
convey the importance of financial information for SMEs as a fundamental element of culture
communication between organizations and their stakeholders.

This curricular unit also aims to highlight the influence of SMEs in society, as they constitute an extremely important segment both at European and national level, representing almost the entire Portuguese business fabric and the greatest potential source of employment. and growth.

Currently, in a global market, characterized by competitiveness and instability, it becomes increasingly important for SMEs the need to obtain useful information to help them manage their businesses efficiently and sustainably.

After attending this curricular unit, it is intended that students have a critical capacity on financial and non-financial reporting, so that, in an assertive way, they are able to:
– Understand the importance of transmitting financial and non-financial information,,
– Structuring the information to be transmitted,
– Define the form of transmission of information.


The syllabus taught fundamentally encompass subjects related to the disclosure of financial information and the corresponding accounting and financial reporting standards. Therefore, with the course of classes, students were able to interpret and prepare the main financial statements. It is also intended, with these contents, to convey to students the importance of complementing financial information with non-financial information, in SMEs.

1 – Financial Report

   1.1 Framework

    1.2 The position of the various Stakeholders

    1.3 Financial Statements

2 – International Standard for SMEs
    2.1 Main features
    2.2 Analysis compared with the NCRF

   3.1 Basic Characteristics
   3.2 Some issues

4 – Non-Financial Report

   4.1 Social Responsibility of SMEs

    4.2 Sustainability Report

    4.3 Integrated Report

Curricular Unit Teachers




  • AICPA, ( 2013) The Financial Reporting Framework for Small- and Medium-Sized Entities
  • Gonçalves, Cristina; Santos, Dolores; Rodrigo, J., Sant´Ana Fernandes, J.; (2020); Relato Financeiro: interpretação e análise. Vida Económica.
  • Mackenzie, Bruce; Lombard, Allan; Coetsee, Danie; Njikizana, Tapiwa; Chamboko, Raymond; e Selbst, Edwin; (2010); Applying IFRS for SMEs; Wiley.
  • Norma Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro para Pequenas Entidades (Publicada pelo Aviso nº 15 654/2009, DR nº 173, Série II, de 2009-09-07, substituído pelo Aviso nº 8257/2015, de 2015-07-29)
  • Rodrigues, João; (2019; Sistema de Normalização Contabilística – SNC explicado; Porto Editora