Social Marketing

Base Knowledge

Basic knowledge of marketing.

Teaching Methodologies

Attendance at classes is strongly recommended.

Classroom sessions combine didactic presentations with group discussions.
Each student is also encouraged to bring materials to the classroom; case studies of social institutions and innovative concepts in social marketing.

Students are encouraged to develop work in teams and the result is presented and discussed in the classroom.
Teamwork consists of a project developed with an organization (organizations are proposed in the classroom, and each team chooses the organization and the work/project to be developed), being guided in different phases:
• Classroom choice of team, organization and project
• 1st visit to the chosen organization
• Scheduling of tasks to be performed by the team in the classroom
• Development of field work (throughout the semester and outside the classroom)
• Development and delivery of a report
• Exhibition and presentation of the developed work in the room

The Project will consist of a case study of private institutions of public interest.

Teamwork incorporates:
Methods centered on inquiry and cooperation: Problem-based and project-based learning
Situated learning and community service
Active strategies in pedagogical practices in the classroom: Collaborative learning

The teacher proposes and presents in the classroom:
• Possible private institutions of public interest
• The different modules for each project (for example: choice and implementation of the volunteer network; planning and development of relationships with donor companies; fundraising campaign

Learning Results

The curricular unit in Social Marketing intends to provide a generic approach to the reality of marketing in the
third sector, as well as presenting the main practices of this sector and, moreover, that the student becomes
familiar with various concepts in the context of the third sector, allowing him working with these tools.

It will also be relevant to underline that social marketing campaigns are increasingly important in today’s society, in a globalized world and in which media and web tools have made possible an unprecedented development and impact. In fact, there are several parties interested in developing campaigns with these objectives of Intervention and changes in societies. And, therefore, both formal and informal organizations from civil society, state authorities or even companies, develop and present social marketing campaigns. A social marketing campaign involves several details, and the student is invited to develop and manage a social marketing program, being creative and effective, aiming at the intended change in people’s behavior and promoting the well-being of society.

 It is also intended to arouse interest in the theme of the permanent need for innovative financing in non-profit organizations. And yet it is intended to present the current reality guided by the concepts of sustainability and social impact.



Part I – Understanding social marketing

The Reality of Social Marketing

The relationship between Social Marketing and Commercial Marketing

Where Does Social Marketing Come From?

The exchange present in Social Marketing and the development of a campaign


Part II – Developing programs and managing social marketing

Identification of the target audience, objectives and goals

Social product design

Development of pricing, promotion and place strategies for social marketing

Management, implementation and evaluation of social marketing projects


Part III – Other Trends

Challenges to humanity such as pandemics, environmental sustainability, demographic growth, wars, drugs, terrorism. The new civic conscience in the face of the reality of the social economy.

The growing world of volunteering and campaigning on a global scale.

Fundraising in social marketing campaigns

Corporate social responsibility

The new concepts in the management practice of Social Economy Organizations such as sustainability and social impact.



Curricular Unit Teachers




    • Leguia, A et al., Marketing solidario: el marketing en las organizaciones no lucrativas, Madrid: Ediciones Piramide, 2012.


    • Andreasen, A., Marketing social change: Changing behavior to promote health, social development, and the environment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey –Bass, 1995.
    • Andreasen, A., Kotler, P., Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations, 5th ed. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996,
    • Calvo, Carlos Luna. Fundamentos de marketing religioso-: 11 lecciones para evangelizar y vendernos mejor sin perder la esperanza ni la misión. Madrid : Reinspira Ediciones. 2021.
    • Gates, Bill. How to avoid a climate disaster: the solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need. New York:Vintage Books. 2022.
    • Goldberg, M., Fishbein, M., Middlestat, S. (Eds.). Social marketing: Theoretical and practical perspectives. Washington, D.C. The Academy for Educational Development. 1997.
    • Hollensen, Svend. Marketing Management – A Relationship Approach. Benalux: Pearson. 2019.
    • Kotler, P., Roberto, W., Social marketing: Strategies for changing public behavior. New York, NY: The Free Press, 1989.
    • Kotler, P., Armestrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong, V.. Principles of Marketing, 4th European edition. Londres, Prentice-Hall Europe, 2005.
    • Kotler, P.; Lee, N. Corporate Social Responsibility. Wiley. USA. 2005
    • Kotler, P., Levy, S. Broadening the Concept of Marketing. Journal of Marketing, 33, pp. 10-15. 1969.
    • Kotler, P., Lee, N., Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good Sage Publications, 2011.
    • Kotler, P.; Zaltman, G: Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change, Journal of Marketing, 35 (July): 3-12. 1971.
    • Lüdeke-Freund, Florian, Breuer, Henning, Massa , Lorenzo. Sustainable business model design. Berlin: the authors, corp. 2022.
    • Santesmases Mestre, M. Marketing. Conceptos y Estrategias. Madrid: Piramide. 1999.
    • Xu, L. et al. Leveraging Creativity in Charity Marketing, Journal of Marketing, 1-16, 2021.


    • Material from the professor