Socioeducative Animation Intervention Projects

Base Knowledge

Non applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The dynamics of practical classes emphasizes active and participatory methodologies, based on individual and collaborative work.
The evaluation will respect the provisions of the Internal Regulation of ESEC.
Students choose one of two types of evaluation: evaluation of frequency or assessment by examination. The assessment by examination takes place at the end of the semester and covers the entire syllabus working classes; presents itself in the form of a written test and an oral test possible. The evaluation of frequency takes place throughout the school activities. There are three elements of the evaluation of frequency and their weightings:
– Written test [personal work] (40%);
– Analysis / critical reviews of Community-based Intervention Projects (including drafting and presentation / discussion) [working group] (30%);
– Design / drawing of an Community-based Intervention Projects (including drafting and presentation / discussion) [working group] (30%).

Learning Results

In the Curricular Unit Community-based Intervention Projects, students should be able to:
– justify and explain in scientific terms its options and intervention strategies;
– identify and analyze problems and educational needs of a group or community;
– design and implement strategies and dynamics of socioeducational intervention;
– know methods and techniques of strategic and participatory planning;
– understand and manipulate the intervention methodologies educational and community, including diagnostic methodologies, design, implementation and evaluation of projects for groups and local and regional institutions, in an autonomous way or in cooperation.


I An introduction to the Community-based Intervention Projects
I.1 Assumptions and fundamentals
I.2 Ideas of education, development psychology and the need for planning

II Elements for design, implementation and evaluation of a Community-based Intervention Projects
II.1 Models, strategies and practices – proposals
II.2 The systemic and technological model
II.2.1 Starting Point
II.2.2 Diagnosis
II.2.3 Planning
II.2.4 Execution
II.2.5 Evaluation
II.2.6 Strategies drafting, presentation and discussion / dissemination of written documents (Preliminary draft; Projects; Progress reports; Final reports; Abstracts and articles for dissemination)
II.2.7 Consolidation Project

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Project Critical Analisys (group work) - 30.0%
  • - Project Design (group work) - 30.0%
  • - Written test - 40.0%
  • - Exam - 100.0%




§ Ander-Egg, E. & Idáñes, M.J.A. (1999). Como elaborar um projecto: guia para desenhar projectos sociais e culturais, 16ª ed. Lisboa: CPIHTS

§ A.V. (2013). Atas do III Congresso Internacional em Estudos Culturais – Ócio, Lazer e Tempo Livre nas Culturas Contemporâneas. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro

§ Correia, V. (selec. e apresent.) (2022). Concepção de projectos de intervenção socioeducativa – Caderno de Texto. Coimbra

§ Fialho, J. Da Silva, C.A. & Saragoça, J. (coords.) (2015). Diagnóstico Social: teoria, metodologia e casos práticos. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

§ Fontes, A. et al. (orgs.) (2014), Cultura e participação: animação sociocultural em contextos iberoamericanos. Leiria: RIAP-Associação Rede Iberoamericana de Animação Sociocultural – Nodo Português

§ Pereira, J. et al. (2014). Animação sociocultural: turismo, património, cultura e desenvolvimento local. Chaves: Intervenção

§ Schiefer, U. et al. (2006). MAPA – Manual de Planeamento e Avaliação de Projectos. Cascais: Principia