Sociology of Organizations

Base Knowledge

No background knowledge required.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching process of this curricular unit includes oral presentation, reading exercises, reflection and oriented research, as well as practical work with oral presentation and discussion in class. Taking into account the emphasis on the development of teamwork and communication skills, the practical work is carried out in groups, being given special relevance to its presentation and discussion in class.

Learning Results

The general objectives of this course are: leadership skills and teamwork; communication skills; sensitivity to issues of ethics and social responsibility in the field of biotechnology and food industry.

The specific objectives (learning outcomes) are:

1. Know general principles concerning the typology, structure and management of organizations, particularly with regard to human resources;

2. Characterize individual processes and group dynamics;

3. Know the main sociological approaches of work and organizations;

4. Contextualize the Portuguese reality in the current debates on the work and the organizations.

5. Debate questions of ethics and social responsibility in the context of biotechnology and food industry;


a) The company as an organization: context, structure and internal organization. Recruitment, selection and training of staff; career management; initial integration into the world of work.

b) The individual processes: perception, motivation and learning processes. The behavior in group: leadership, teamwork and interpersonal communication. Formal and informal relationships in working groups. Conflict management.

c) The classical school of organizations and further developments. The bureaucracy and its dysfunctions. The socio-technical and contingential approaches.

d) Impacts of modernization processes and globalization of the economy. The flexibilization of work. Power and culture in organizations. Labour relations: collective actors, emerging conflicts, negotiation and consultation. Sources and relations of power and counter power in organizations.

e) Business ethics and professional ethics. Individual strategies and organizational strategies. Market and social responsibility. The third sector in Portugal.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Exame final
  • - Parte teórica - 60.0%
  • - Parte prática - 40.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - trabalhos práticos - 50.0%
  • - prova sumativa escrita - 50.0%




Abramovici N.-B. e outros, 1989, Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Editorial Presença.
Bernoux P. (s.d.), A Sociologia das Organizações. Rés-Editora.
Bilhim J.A.F., 2001. Teoria Organizacional. Estruturas e Pessoas. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa/Instituto
Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.
Cabral M.V. et al, 2000, Trabalho e cidadania. ICS.
Dubar C., 1997, A socialização: construção de identidades sociais e profissionais. Porto Editora.
Freire J., 2002. Sociologia do Trabalho: Uma Introdução. Edições Afrontamento.
Friedberg E., 1995. O poder e a regra. Dinâmicas da acção organizada. Instituto Piaget.
Glegg S.R., 1998. As Organizações Modernas. Celta Editora.
Gomes D., 2000. Cultura organizacional. Comunicação e identidade. Quarteto (Apenas os capítulos I e II da parte I).
Grupo de Lisboa, 1994. Limites à competição. Publicações Europa-América.
Kovács I., Castilho J. J., 1998. Novos modelos de produção: trabalho e pessoas, Celta Editora.