Soil Management

Learning Results

1. To recognize the fundamental importance of soil study and its management.
2. Know soil conservation techniques that increase biodiversity.
3. To know techniques of soil tillage that minimize compaction, preserve structure and biodiversity, and improve quality.


1. Soil conservation techniques as a sustainable natural resource;
2. General principles of biogeochemical cycles of nutrients in soils, importance of biodiversity;
3. Principal factors affecting the growth of organic matter content and the rate of decomposition in soils: oxygen, nitrogen, moisture, temperature, and the addition and removal of organic materials.
4. Evaluation, maintenance and improvement of soil fertility and its quality in general;
5. Environmental impact of different techniques of soil tillage in organic farming;
6. Management of soil compaction by controlling the planned traffic of tractors and agricultural machinery to improve soil fertility;
7. Effects of conventional tillage, simplified and direct drilling on chemical, physical and biological fertility.
8. Management of soil cover: soil residues; cover crops; organic and plastic fabrics.

Curricular Unit Teachers
