
Base Knowledge

The student must have a good knowledge of chemistry, biology and introduction to agricultural practices. Ideally, for a good progression of the student, he/she should have already passed these UC.

Teaching Methodologies

Para a concretização dos objectivos de cada um dos aspectos focados na unidade curricular e a conferência das competências previstas aos alunos, o processo de ensino aprendizagem assenta:

1. No estudo de casos concretos, acompanhado de um conjunto de instruções que levam o aluno a analisá-los, a tirar conclusões e a tomar decisões ou sugerir acções;

2. Na execução de trabalhos práticos de aplicação dos conceitos teóricos, que tanto podem ser de natureza numérica, como laboratorial ou de campo nomeadamente na identificação e caracterização de perfis correspondentes a diferentes tipos de solos e na avaliação da fertilidade do solo;

3. Na pesquisa bibliográfica necessária para complementar a informação obtida nas aulas e para a execução dos relatórios.

Learning Results

The student is expected to acquire the following skills to carry out the course unit successfully:

1. Identify the constituents and properties of soils natural or subject to plant production.

2. Identifies the general factors and processes responsible for soil formation and differentiation.

3. Understands soil degradation processes and the practices that contribute for the conservation and improvement of soil quality.

4. Knows the dynamics of mineral elements in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, the chemical, physical and biological fertility of soils.

5. Elaborate a crop fertilization plan.


1. Mineral and organic constituents of soil; Soil mineralogy; Organic matter.

2. Soil properties and their relation with the constitution.

3. Soil water: content, retention and movements in saturated and unsaturated soil; water availability to plants.

4. Factors and processes of soil formation; diagnostic horizons; main soil types.

5. Types of erosion: wind and water; factors and processes; methods to combat erosion and soil conservation practices; universal soil loss equation.

6. Effects of soil composition and properties on plant growth and development. Factors and laws of plant growth. Biogeochemical cycle and balance of plant nutrients. Soil fertility, plant nutrition and soil suitability for production.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Final exam
  • - Written test - 100.0%
Continuous Evaluation
  • - Part I: written report and discussion (RE) - 15.0%
  • - Part II: fertilization plan (PF) presented and discussed - 25.0%
  • - Part I written test (TE1) (35%) and Part II written test (TE2) (25%) - 60.0%




BRADY, N.C.; WEIL, R.R. The Nature and Properties of Soils. 13ªEd. Mac Millan Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey, 2002.

CARDOSO, J. C., BESSA, M.T., MARADO M.B. Carta de Solos de Portugal  (1:1 000 000). Agronomia Lusitana  33:481-602, 1973.

COSTA, J. B. Caracterização e Constituição do Solo. 7ªEd., F.C.G., Lisboa, 2004.

ISSS/ISRIC/FAO. World Reference Base for Soil Resources. World Soil Resources Reports 103, FAO. Roma. 2006.

MENGEL, K., KIRKBY, E., KOSEGARTEN, H. AND APPEL T. Principles of Plant Nutrition. 5th Ed. International Potash Institute, Berna. Kluwer Academic Pub., Netherlands, 2001

PENNOCK, D. Soil erosion: the greatest challenge to sustainable soil management. FAO, 100 pp, ISBN 978-92-5-131426-5, Rome, 2019.

SANTOS, J.Q. Fertilização-Fundamentos da Utilização dos Adubos e Correctivos. J. Quelhas dos Santos 3ª Ed. Publicações Europa-América, 2002.

VARENNES A. Produtividade dos Solos e Ambiente. Escolar editora. 2003.


The complementary bibliography, updated and specific by theme, is provided by the teacher during the classes.