Spanish A1 | 60 hours | E-learning

Teaching Methodologies

The method to be used will consist of theoretical and practical activities that allow the learning, consolidation and development of the syllabus: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension. The evaluation will be continuous with an exam at the end of the course.

Learning Results

Start the student in the study of the morphosyntactic, phonetic, lexical and functional components of non-native Spanish people, at a basic level of language. Start the student in the four communicative skills: written comprehension and expression, oral comprehension and expression. Create contact with cultural aspects of the Spanish and Latin American community, at the geographic, historical, literary, artistic and gastronomic level.


GRAMMAR: Article, Noun and Adjective – Article: gender and number – Noun: gender and number – Adjective: gender, number, “grade”, nationality, numerals VERB: INDICATIVO REGULAR E IRREGULAR – Presente – Pretérito Perfeito – Indefinido – Infinitivo, Gerúndio and Participio – Formation of verbs: “gustar” and “encantar” – Verbal periphrases: “ir a + infinitivo”; “estar + gerundio” PRONOUNS – Personal, reflective, possessive, interrogative and numerals LEXICAL – Personal information; – Days of week, months, seasons; – Numbers; – Hours; – Countries and capitals most known; – Colors; 3 de 4 Modelo FICHA DE UNIDADE CURRICULAR ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE EDUCAÇÃO DE COIMBRA – Prepositions of place and time; – También / tampoco / a mí sí / a mí no; – Muy / mucho / bastante / poco; FUNCTIONAL – Greetings and farewells; – Introduce yourself and introduce someone: ask their name, nationality…; – Describe someone physically and psychologically; – Express preferences, likes and dislikes; – Formal and informal aspect of the dialogue; – Ask and give something – See PDF

Curricular Unit Teachers




– ALONSO RAYA, R. et al (2009). Gramática Básica del Estudiante de Español. Barcelona: Difusión. – ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ, M. A. (coord.) (2000). Sueña 1, Libro del alumno y Libro de ejercicios. Madrid: Anaya. 4 de 4 Modelo FICHA DE UNIDADE CURRICULAR ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE EDUCAÇÃO DE COIMBRA – ARRIBAS y CASTRO (1991). Preparación diploma básico de español. Madrid: Edelsa. – CASTRO, F. (1998, 2ª ed.). Uso de la Gramática Española. Madrid: Edelsa. – CENTELLAS, A. (1999). Manual de español para extranjeros, Nivel Elemental. Madrid: Edinumen. – FERNÁNDEZ, J. et al. (1999). Curso Intensivo de Español, Ejercicios Prácticos, Niveles Elemental e Intermedio. Madrid: Sgel. – GONZÁLEZ HERMOSO, A. (1997). Gramática de Español Lengua Extranjera. Curso Práctico. Madrid: Edelsa. – MARCOS GONZÁLEZ, B. y C. LLORENTE VIGIL (1997, 2ª ed.). Los Verbos Españoles. Salamanca: Ediciones Colegio de España. – MATA COIMBRA, O. y I. COIMBRA (2000). Gramática Activa I. Lisboa: Lidel. – MILANI, E. (1999). Gramática de Espanhol para Brasileiros. São Paulo: Saraiva.