Base Knowledge
Previous level of knowledge is recommended.
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical-practical activities that allow to fix and develop the contents: oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension, writing topics. It may include: Presentation by the teacher; observation and contrasting analysis of practical examples, search and presentation by students, solving tasks by students.
Learning Results
Acquire basic skills for oral and written communication in the target language.
Develop those same competences, using the knowledge they have and in contexts adapted to their level of language;
Understand, orally and in writing, instructions and explanations referring to everyday contexts;
Know the basic vocabulary of everyday life: free time activities, the house, physical and psychological states, family, etc;
Request and give information;
Argue and justify in simple contexts;
Describe objects, people, activities and personal tastes;
Be familiar with the pronunciation of Spanish;
Know the basic vocabulary of working life: invoices, delivery notes, furniture and consumables;
Meet some false friends to avoid misunderstanding and production;
Know some aspects of Spanish culture that help to better understand certain aspects of the language that students are studying and that facilitate their learning
Grammatical content
Direct and indirect object pronouns.
Indicative tenses (morphology and uses):
– Past tenses: pretérito indefinido, imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto
– Future simple
Verb periphrasis: continuar / seguir + gerundio; deber de + infinitivo; dejar de + infinitivo, etc.
Thematic and lexical content
The future.
Tales and stories from the past.
Biographies and business histories.
Travels: Means of transportation and accommodation.
Correspondence, notes and messages.
Treatment abbreviations. Treatment formulas.
Invoices, receipts and delivery notes.
Time and space references. Fake friends.
Looking for a job: CV, cover letters and job interviews.
Company events: program (activities, conferences, etc.), accommodation, transportation, organization.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Alonso, G. et al (2019) Emprendedores. Curso de español para profesionales. A1-A2. Madrid: SGEL.
Alonso Raya, R. et al (2011) Gramática básica del estudiante de español (A1/B1). Madrid: Difusión
Castro, F. (2010) Uso De La Gramatica Espanola Elemental. Madrid: Edelsa.
Domínguez López, Josefina & Nueda Guzmán, Mª Sol (2007) Vocabulario de Español A1-B1. Madrid: enClave, ELE
González, M. et al. (2008) Socios 1 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión
Martínez, L. & Sabater, M.L (2008) Socios 2 – curso de español orientado al mundo del trabajo. Madrid: Difusión
Palomino Mª. A (2015). Correo comercial. Técnicas y usos. Madrid: Edelsa.
Prada, M. & Mercé, P. (2017) Entorno laboral. Nivel A1/B1. Madrid: Edelsa.
Prost, G. & Noriega Fernández, A. (2006) Al día – Curso de español para los negocios. Madrid: SGEL.
Álvarez, M. et. al (2005): Vuela 1, 2, 3 y 4; Madrid: Anaya.
Real Academia Española. (2001). Diccionario de la lengua española (22.ª ed.). Consultado en
Páginas web de interés:
Profedeele. es
Diccionario en línea Pons (bilingue)ón