Specialisation Area Project

Teaching Methodologies

Project-orientated training will be carried out using synchronous communication systems (40 hours) and face-to-face training (10 hours). Trainees will participate, presenting and discussing their work at the various stages of realisation, which, together with participation and involvement, will count towards the final grade for the PAE course. This component will be assessed in person. The Tutorial Orientation sessions (50 hours) of the projects to be developed may be carried out individually or in small groups under the supervision of the supervising teacher(s) appointed by the ESEC Scientific Technical Council.

The assessment of the CU involves the preparation and public defence of an individual written project, which has its own regulations.

Learning Results

— Mobilise relevant technical and scientific skills to design, implement, regulate and evaluate intervention projects to overcome the difficulties encountered in school management.

– Provide trainees with a space to delve into specific topics relevant to school administration and organisation

– To give trainees the opportunity to share and reflect on the issues being studied and the practices being developed

 – Develop an intervention project in the educational 


 Throughout the construction process of the Project, the contents of the Specialised Training Course will be taken into account in an articulated and integrated manner, based on:

1. Ethical and deontological issues in the design, planning and development of an intervention project in the area of School Administration and Organisation;

2. Standards and procedures for carrying out a project;

3. Theoretical and methodological references to be taken into account when constructing a project;

4. Cooperative and participatory approaches in the design and development of projects in the area of School Administration and Organisation;

5. Evaluation of the feasibility of projects, according to the most varied factors inherent in the design/planning phase. 

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação presencial
  • - Project - 100.0%




Em função do Projeto. Depending on the Project