Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
TP contents are presented in expository sessions. The PL is consolidated with the experience of the activity and situations of pedagogical practice.
This CU, eminently practical, has the exclusively continuous assessment modality [100% = 20 values] considering the items:
1. Practical evaluations (50%).
1.1. Aqua Aerobics (25%).
1.2. Step Aerobics (25%).
2. Technical performance (15%).
3. Work (30%).
4. Presential participation (5%).
Note: for approval, the student must have a minimum of 50% in items 1 and 2, and 50% in item 3.
Under point 8 of the 13th article of the Academic Regulations of the 1st Cycle of Studies of the ESE-IPC, the student must comply with the following specific conditions for access to the exam:
1. Have attended at least 50% of classes.
The exam consists of a theoretical (30%) and a practical evaluation (70%).
Note: for approval the student must have a minimum of 50% in both, theoretical and practical.
Learning Results
1. Aqua Aerobics.
1.1. Plan and conduct the activity, applying the appropriate technics and choreographic methods suitable to the practitioners characteristics.
1.2. Adopt intervention strategies suitable to the specificity of the context.
2. Step Aerobics.
2.1. Plan and conduct the activity, applying the appropriate technics and choreographic methods suitable to the practitioners characteristics.
2.2. Adopt intervention strategies suitable to the specificity of the context.
1. Aqua Aerobics.
1.1. Origin and evolution, characteristics and objectives, benefits and used equipment.
1.2. Exercises, technical execution, critical components and common errors.
1.3. Model session: structure, strategies and methodology of choreographic construction.
1.4. Specificity of pedagogical intervention (instruction, command orders, pedagogical feedback, demonstration, communication, technical position).
2. Step Aerobics.
2.1. Origin and evolution, characteristics and objectives, benefits and used equipment.
2.2. Exercises, technical execution, critical components and common errors.
2.3. Model session: structure, strategies and methodology of choreographic construction.
2.4. Specificity of pedagogical intervention (instruction, command orders, pedagogical feedback, demonstration, communication, technical position).
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 30.0%
- - Practical evaluations - 50.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 5.0%
- - Technical performance - 15.0%
- - Theoretical evaluation - 30.0%
- - Practical evaluation - 70.0%
1. AEA (2018). Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual (7th ed.). Human Kinetics.
2. Bonelli, S. (2001). Aquatic Exercise – ACE Group Fitness. ACE.
3. Campos, F., Dias, G., & Mendes, R. (2015). Hidroginástica para idosos. In G. Dias, R. Mendes, P. Silva, & M. Branquinho (Eds.), Gerontomotricidade: actividades lúdicas e pedagógicas para o corpo envelhecido (pp. 49-67). ESEC.
4. González, I., Erquicia, B., & González, S. (2005). Manual de aeróbic y step. Paidotribo.
5. Kennedy-Armbruster, C., & Yoke, M. (2009). Methods of group exercise instruction (2nd ed.). Human Kinetics.
6. Rieger, T., Jones, B., & Jiménez, A. (2015). Europeactive’s essentials for personal trainers. Human Kinetics.
7. Rieger, T., Naclerio, F., Jiménez, A., & Moody, J. (2015). Europeactive’s foundations for exercise professionals. Human Kinetics.
8. Santos-Rocha, R., Rieger, T., & Jiménez, A. (2015). Europeactive’s essentials for fitness instructors. Human Kinetics.