Sports and Gym Activities I

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

After the theoretical-practical part, the practical component is consolidated through Aerobics (elementary level), to improve motor execution and musical control. Later, students will go through situations of pedagogical practice, with the goal of improving their intervention, and experience other activities (Step, Localized) to understand to what extent this same intervention should be appropriate given their specificity.

The assessment is carried out by frequency or examination (200 points (p) = 20 points).

By frequency:

1. Technical and pedagogical performance: 150 p

1.1 Aerobics: 80 p

1.2 Step: 20 p

1.3 Localized: 20 p

1.4 Technical performance: 30 p

2. Theoretical Knowledge (written test): 40 p

3. Behavior and attitude: 10 p

For passing, the student will have to have a minimum of 75 p in technical and pedagogical performance and 20 p in theoretical knowledge.

By examination:

1. Theoretical Test: 40 p

2. Practical Exam: 160 p

To pass the exam the student must have a minimum classification of 20 p in the theoretical test and 80 p in the practical test.

Learning Results

1. Understand the specificity of Gym Sports and Activities (the history and evolution, current trends, the spectrum of activities, spaces and materials used);

2. Plan and direct Aerobics, at an elementary level, applying the techniques and methods of choreographic assembly appropriate to the characteristics of the practitioners

3. Experience the practice of other gym activities performed in group (e.g., Step and Localized), realizing their specific characteristics and possible adaptations during the technical intervention

4. Adopt the most appropriate intervention strategies to the specificity of the context


1. Sports practice in fitness clubs.

2. Spectrum of sporting activities at a fitness club.

3. Origin and evolution of the concept of fitness.

4. Group Fitness activities.

4.1. Music as a “work tool”.

4.2. Session type: structure.

4.3. Planning and choreographic writing.

4.4. Quality of the Instructor of Group Fitness Activities.

5. Aerobics.

5.1. Origin, characteristics, objectives, benefits, equipment used.

5.2 Exercises, execution technique, critical components, common mistakes.

5.3 Session type: structure and methodology of choreographic construction.

5.4 Specificity of the pedagogical intervention (instruction, demonstration, feedback, communication, command orders and positioning).

5.5 Methodology of choreographic construction: total pyramid, pyramid of pairs, association, progression, addition and addition-subtraction.

6. Step.

6.1. Exercises, execution technique, critical components, common mistakes.

6.2. Session type: structure and methodology of choreographic construction.

6.3. Specifics of pedagogical intervention (instruction, demonstration, feedback, communication, command orders and positioning).

7. Localized.

7.1. Exercises, execution technique, critical components, common mistakes.

7.2 Session type: structure and methodology.

7.3 Specificity of the pedagogical intervention (instruction, demonstration, feedback, communication, command orders and positioning).

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Frequency - 20.0%
  • - technical performance - 75.0%
  • - Behavior and attitude - 5.0%




  1. Boyle, M. (2004). Functional training for sports. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  2. Francis, L., & Seibert, R. (2000). Teaching a group exercise class. In D. Green (Ed.), Group fitness instructor manual (pp. 179-204). San Diego: ACE.
  3. Franco, S., & Santos, R. (1999). A essência da ginástica aeróbica. Rio Maior: ESDRM.
  4. González, I., Erquicia, B., & González, S. (2005). Manual de aeróbic y step. Barcelona: Paidotribo.
  5. Kennedy-Armbruster, C., & Yoke, M. (2009). Methods of group exercise instruction (2nd ed.). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  6. Martín, M. (2000). Aeróbic y fitness: fundamentos y principios básicos. Madrid: Librerías Deportivas Esteban Sanz.
  7. NSCA (2016). Exercise technique manual for RT. Champaign, Human Kinetics.
  8. Papi, J. (2004). Aeróbic en salas de fitness. Manual teórico práctico. Barcelona: INDE.
  9. Rieger, T., Naclerio, F., Jiménez, A., & Moody, J. (2015). Europeactive’s foundations for exercise professionals. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  10. Santos-Rocha, R., Rieger, T., & Jiménez, A. (2015). Europeactive’s essentials for fitness instructors. Champaign: Human Kinetics.