Strategies And Planning In Tourism Industry

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The interdisciplinary nature of this C.U. implies the use of theoretical and theoretical-practical lessons in order to implement the active and discovery methods. In this way, case studies are interpreted and different tourism plans are researched and critically analysed. To obtain approval (minimum score of 10 marks), students must choose one of the following assessment methods:
1) Exam
Assessment by final exam consists in the completion of a single written test of knowledge (100%), to be held in the respective assessment periods.
2) Continuous/periodic assessment
The continuous/periodic assessment results from the following assessment parameters
a) completion of a written and individual test of knowledge (50%); b) completion of a practical project in group, which should be presented / defended orally (35%), whose weighting is divided into written component (25%) and oral component (10%); c) completion of exercises during classes (15%).

Learning Results

Enlighten students about the importance of tourism in different economies, offering the opportunity to understand key global trends with influence on tourism planning;
Provide a theoretical and practical approach to acquire knowledge about land use or territorial organization at different levels (supra-national, national, regional and local levels), promoting its link with tourism;
Provide students with a selection of theories, techniques and methodologies in the field of sustainable tourism development;
Provide knowledge and mastery of the tourism planning process.


1. Tourism in the world today
1.1. Review of basic concepts to the tourism sector
1.2. The importance of tourism in different economies
1.3. Global trends with influence on tourism planning
2. Portuguese planning and management system of the territory
2.1. Legal framework of the planning system in Portugal
2.2. Intervention levels for planning: supra-national, national, regional and local
3. Sustainable development and tourism planning
3.1. Sustainability indicators and models applicable to tourism planning
3.2. Criteria for sustainable tourism planning
4. The planning process in tourism
4.1. The importance of strategic guidelines in tourism planning
4.2. Design of the strategic plan for tourism

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 35.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 15.0%




Bailoa, S. & Cravo, P. (2021). O efeito da pandemia na estratégia nacional para o turismo em Portugal: O desafio da sustentabilidade. Dos Algarves: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 40, 31-47. DOI: 10.18089/DAMeJ.2021.40.2
Irving, M. A., Coelho, A. M. & Arruda, T. O. (2020). Turismos, sustentabilidades e pandemias: Incertezas e caminhos possíveis para planejamento turístico no horizonte da Agenda 2030. Observatório de Inovação do Turismo – Revista Acadêmica, 16(n° especial, dezembro), 74-105.
Moleiro, D. F. (2020). O planeamento do turismo urbano com vista à sustentabilidade – Uma revisão de literatura. Research, Society and Development, 9 (8), 1-30.
Netto, J. P. S. (2021). Indicadores de Sustentabilidade como Suporte ao Planejamento do Turismo: Aspectos Conceituais e Metodológicos. Rosa dos Ventos, 13 (1), 260-269. DOI: