Summer Camps Organization and Animation

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

•The methodology to be adopted, will be an active and experiential methodology.
•In order to be better able to incorporate the specific dynamics of a colony or summer camp, we decided to organize the unit as an intensive course, residential, essentially practical and experimental, in a vacation center, where these activities are carried out regularly.
•So we try to provide the trainees, the routines and the specific dynamics of a summer camp, as well as the daily life of an animator in this context.
•The assessment will involve participation in practical activities. The final evaluation will consist of: Participation = 10%| AEC = 10% | Theoretical Work = 10% | Practice = 50% | Preparation of support elements and practice registration = 20%.

Learning Results

•Understand the potential of Summer Camps as potential educational resource as part of an permanent educational activity;
•Become aware of the historical background and the place that the leisure activities and leisure occupy in society;
•Linking the camps and summer camps, operating their own dynamics;
•Understand the relationship between work project and program activities;
•Analyze in several ways, the relationship of the different teams, with summer camp as a whole;
•Acquire the notion of the importance and responsibility when it assumes the responsibility of leading a team;
•Acquire some animation techniques in the domain of play and expressions in order to stimulate creativity and expressiveness;
•Acquire technical notions of planning, organizing activities, counseling and group leadership, and teamwork.
•Understand the potential of Summer Camps as potential educational resource as part of an permanent educational activity;
•Become aware of the historical background.


1. The social and historical framework of the summer camps;
2. Summer camps, as an important context socioeducational;
3. Types of activities;
4. Technical and educational resources;
5. Development of educational programs;
6. The daily life of an animator at summer camp – role and functions;
7. Group Dynamics;
8. Preparation, organization, promotion and mentoring of the group;
9. Pedagogical devices generators of co-responsibility, autonomy and self-management.
10. Prevention and safety in the activities

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Exam - 100.0%
Continuing evaluation
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Curriculum Enrichment Activities - 10.0%
  • - Preparation of support elements - 20.0%
  • - Synthesis work - 10.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 10.0%




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BESNARD, Pierre, (1991) La animación Sociocultural. Madrid: Narcea
CABANAS, Quintana (1989).Fundamentos de La Animación Sociocultural, Madrid: Popular, Cap. I;
CANÁRIO, Rui (Org.). (2007). “Educação Popular & Movimentos Sociais”. Lisboa, Educa-Fac. Psic. e Ciênc. da Educação.
GILLET, Jean-Claude (2006). “La animación en la comunidad – Un modelo de animación socioeducativa”.
LEAL, António, (2004).’ Contextualização histórica e social da Animação sociocultural’. Coimbra: ESEC.
LOPES, Marcelino, 2006. A Animação sociocultural em Portugal. Chaves: Intervenção.
TRILLA, Jaume. (1998). Animacióm Sociocultural: Teorias, Âmbitos e Programas. Barcelona: ARIEL.
VENTOSA, Victor J. (2004).”Métodos Activos y Técnicas de Participación – para educadores y formadores”. Madr
VENTOSA, Victor, (1990). Fuentes de la Animación sociocultural en Europa, Madrid: Popular.