Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
Case studies: students carry out analysis of solutions in a professional context to solve complex problems;
Group learning: students work in groups to solve a particular problem and learn to work in a team in an efficient way;
Discussion: there is an exchange of ideas in groups of approximately 5 to 20 students;
Practical work: students develop solutions to practical problems or develop practical projects;
Written and oral presentation of reports: students present certain topics, reports or projects, in written and / or oral form;
Seminars: experts present certain topics followed by question and answer sessions.
Lecturing method; Problem solving; Learning by project development; Laboratory practice.
Learning Results
The objective of the curricular unit is to develop knowledge related to the management of the logistics chain (planning, transportation, warehousing and handling of goods), including management of services in the supply chain.
It also aims to raise the students’ awareness of the importance of issues related to supply chain management in an integrative perspective of all actors and flows involved in the chain, taking into account the requirements placed on logistics, management and monitoring the decision-making process.
The curricular unit also intends to give the students conceptual support that gives them a comprehensive view of the supply chain, the logistics function, the transport and distribution mechanisms, and an adequate perception of the proposed methodologies to plan and manage the supply chain’s operation.
LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN: Logistics and Logistics Management; The Supply Chain; Fundamental Aspects of a Logistics System; The Theory of Transition Costs and Network Theory; Logistic Attributes; Logistic Activities; The Value Chain and the Logistic Value Creation; Collaborative Management in the Supply Chain; Supply Chain Typologies
TRANSPORT: Role of Transport in the Supply Chain; Relevant Factors in the Choice of Transport; Transport Systems;
Logistics Platforms; Planning of Routes; Flow Models.
MANAGEMENT OF WAREHOUSES IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: Typologies of Warehouses; Basic Warehousing Operations; Warehousing and Handling Systems; Design; Layout; Stock and purchase management.
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: Basic Communication (EDI, barcode, RFID, order processing, …); Warehouse and Inventory Management Systems; Fleet Management Systems; Routing and scheduling systems; Commerce Using the Internet (e-commerce); IT in Supply Chain Management.
SERVICES MANAGEMENT: The Nature of Services; Flow Management in Services; Location of Infrastructures.
DECISION MODELS IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN: Project of Supply Chains; Location problems (single equipment, multiple equipment, discrete location problems: simple location with and without capacity limits, p-median problem, coverage problem, p-center problem).
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame - 100.0%
- - Projeto único - 100.0%
- - CF=0.7exame + 0,3 projetos - 100.0%
Carvalho, J. (Coordenador) & outros (2012). Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento, Edições Sílabo, 1ª Edição (ISBN: 978-972-618-598-7.
Costa, J. Dias, J. Godinho, P. (2010). Logística, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (ISBN: 978-989-26-0040-6).
Gleissner, H., Fermeling, J. (2013). Logistics: Basics – Exercises – Case Studies, Springer Texts in Business and Economics, Springer.Grant, D. & outros (2006). Fundamentals ocasef Logistics Management, McGraw-Hill.
Munson, C. (2013). The Supply Chain Management Casebook – Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM. Pearson Education Ltd.
Rushton, A., Croucher, P., Baker, P. (2010). The Handbook Of Logistics & Distribution Management , Kogan Page Limited, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (UK), 4th Edition (ISBN 978 0 7494 5714 3).
Wilding, R. (2020). Supply Chains in Action. A case study collection in supply chain, logistics, procurement and operations management. Kogan Page (ISBN 9780749483708).