Technical drawing and digital representation

Base Knowledge

Technical Drawing

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology is based on two learning processes: AFIRMATIVE METHOD, in practical classes, in which knowledge is transmitted using the display and demonstration materials inherent in each chapter. METHOD ACTIVE in laboratory practical classes, based on self training, where the student uses the analysis and testing of experimental models. In Classes Tutorials monitoring of students is done in the resolution, individually or in groups, practical exercises project design. ASSESSMENT: Students will be subject to summative evaluation on a scale of 0 to 20. Gets approval the student to reach the mark of 10 in the total of the two assessment components. The student achievement results from a continuous summative assessment with a weighting of 75% and is translated into practical work. The final, and individual written test of theoretical and practical nature, will contribute a weighting of 25% in the formation of the final grade.

Learning Results

To Know and apply concepts and methods of representation of technical drawing?
Reading and interpretation of projects?
Mastering Aided Design Computer 2D techniques using Autocad.
Understanding a projet
Use of construction software?
Mastering the construction processes?
Knowing the procedures and the players in the construction sector?
Characterize materials and equipments.


TECHNICAL DRAWING |1. General aspects of technical drawing | 2. Orthogonal projection: Views Sections and sections | 3. Axonometric representation | 4. Quotation | 5. Specific aspects of the project design Technical organization of the project; Set drawings and compatibility in civil construction works; Interpretation of architectural design and specialties; Detail drawing | 6. Technical characterization of the project; Recognition of specific standards applicable to buildings; specialty projects
7. COMPUTER-ASSISTED DESIGN CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES | Introduction to CAD systems | Architecture of the Autocad program | Parameter definition | Data Entry | Editing Commands | Drawing Display Control | Editing Commands | Drawing by Layered by Layers | Textures and Patterning | Entities grouped in drawing blocks| Dimensioning (Drawing Dimensioning) | Printing (preparation of graphic pieces in digital and analog format)

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Teste teórico-prático - 30.0%
  • - Exercícios práticos de avaliação - 70.0%




Cunha, Luis Veiga da (1991), Desenho Técnico, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa

Silva, Arlindo Dias, João Sousa, Luis – Desenho Técnico Moderno, LIDEL Editora

Garcia, José AutoCAD 2012 & AutoCAD LT 2012 Curso Completo – Ed. FCA´

Normas Portuguesas de Desenho Técnico

Palm, Bernd S., Introduction to AutoCad 2017, Ed.: Taylor & Francis

GUIA DE ACESSIBILIDADE E MOBILIDADE PARA TODOS, Apontamentos para melhor interpretação do Decreto-Lei 163/2006 de 08 de Agosto;

RGEU, Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda, Lisboa

Santos, João, AutoCad 2016 & 2015, Edição FCA.

BROWN, G. Z. & Dekay, M., Sol, vento e luz. Estratégias para o projeto de arquitetura, Bookman Edition, 2004.

GONÇALVES, H. et al. 1997. Edifícios Solares Passivos em Portugal, INETI

SANTOS, António – A iluminação Natural. In Ambiente em Edifícios Urbanos. Lisboa: LNEC, 2000. ISBN 9724918513

SOLANAS, Toni – VIVENDA Y SOSTENIBILIDADE, Vol. 01: Unifamiliar, Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona

SOLANAS, Toni – VIVENDA Y SOSTENIBILIDADE, Vol. 02: Colectiva, Ed. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona

TIRONE, Lívia , N. – Construção sustentável: soluções eficientes hoje, a nossa riqueza amanhã. 2ª ed. Sintra: Tirone Nunes S. A., 2008. ISNB 9789892011912.

WINES, James – Green Architecture. Koln: Taschen, 2000. ISBN 3822863033

YANNAS, Simos – Solar Energy anda Housing Design, London: Architectural Association, 1994, Vol I. ISBN 1870890361

YANNAS, Simos – Solar Energy anda Housing Design, London: Architectural Association, 1994, Vol II. ISBN 187089037X.

YEANG, Ken – Projectar com la naturaleza: bases ecológicas para el proyecto arquitectónico. Barcelona: G Gili, 1999. ISBN8425217636


Notes provided by the teacher:

SILVA, JOÃO FERNANDES, (2020) CADERNO 01 – technical drawing Notes, ISEC

SILVA, JOÃO FERNANDES, (2020) CADERNO 02 – technical drawing Notes, ISEC

SILVA, JOÃO FERNANDES, (2020) CADERNO 03 – Computer Aided Design Notes, ISEC



application software: Autocad