Technical English and Communication

Base Knowledge

B1/ B2 within the ERFL

Teaching Methodologies

1 Theorectical-practical courses
2 Theorectical-practical courses

Learning Results

As a result of the teaching-learning process the student will be able to:
1 Recognize the particular features of scientific and technical discourse in both Portuguese and English
2 Collect, analyse and select information in both Portuguese and English
3 Identify and creatively use correct syntax and rethorics in written scientific and technical texts
4 Identify and use appropriate grammar resources
5 Orally present and explain topics and problems within their area of knowledge
6 Collect, process, use, and produce information 1


1 Reading comprehension of specialized texts
2 Audiovisual format tasks
3 Technical vocabulary approach
4 Technical glossary preparation
5 Text writing according to specific communication contexts: morphological, syntactic and semantic approach both in Portuguese and English
6 Communication skills for projects
7 Oral presentation techniques

Grading Methods

Final exam evaluation
  • - Written test: - 60.0%
  • - Oral presentation - 40.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - Inglês Técnico: Teste escrito: 60% +Apresentação oral: 40% - 70.0%
  • - Comunicação:Elaboração e apresentação oral de um "poster" científico: 100% - 30.0%
Continuous Evaluation
  • - Technical English: Written test: 60% + Oral presentation: 40% - 70.0%
  • - Communication: Scientific poster presentation: 100% - 30.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Exame escrito - 60.0%
  • - Apresentação oral: - 40.0%




SWALES, J.M., FEAK, C.B. (2003) – Academic writing for graduate studnts. USA: University of Michigan.

Material de apoio elaborado pela docente.

MURPHY, Raymond (2004) — English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. – Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more. Disponível em